(去年可比我们)金博宝手机版网页波士顿,MA - 2010年11月16日—世界上最大的全球投资者在坎昆气候谈判代表有一个强有力的信息和新国会:现在采取行动对抗全球变暖或风险经济破坏远比最近的金融危机更严重。
援引潜在GDP与气候相关的损失高达20%,2050年的经济效益转向低碳、资源节约型经济,投资者今天发布了一个重大声明呼吁国家和国际政策将刺激私人投资低碳技术。签署的声明是259名投资者来自北美、欧洲、亚洲、澳洲、拉丁美洲和非洲与集体资产总价值超过15美元trillion-more比全球资本化的四分之一。签名者包括安联、汇丰银行、APG和一打美国公共养老基金和国家财务主管。这是有史以来最大的群投资者呼吁政府采取行动应对气候变化。“当前的投资水平远远低于所需要遏制全球气温上升和适应全球变暖,”说明迪傻大个,谷神星和气候风险投资者网络的主任。“强有力的政府政策,奖励清洁技术和阻止肮脏的技术是必不可少的关闭和构建一个低碳全球经济气候投资差距。“美国投资者有一个特别尖锐的新美国国会消息。“气候变化可能是时尚今天在华盛顿,但它带来严重的财务风险,并没有消失,只会增加我们拖延的时间越长制定明智的政策过渡到低碳经济,”杰克说Ehnes,首席执行官的加州教师退休制度,全国第二大的公共养老基金有1410亿美元的资产。“国家的领导人应该把线索来自加州的强有力的清洁能源政策刺激了美国的创新和创造数千个就业机会。”Today's statement comes in advance of key negotiations in Cancun, beginning Nov. 29, to map out plans for a new international climate change treaty after the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. No major agreement is expected from these talks, in part because the U.S. Congress has balked at enacting national climate legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While low-carbon global investment is increasing, especially in Asia, investors say substantially more private capital would be available for renewable energy, energy efficiency and other low-carbon technologies, if stronger policies were in place. Global clean energy investments are expected to eclipse $200 billion in 2010, up slightly from 2009 but substantially less than the roughly $500 billion that Bloomberg New Energy Finance and the World Economic Forum says is needed per year by 2020 to restrict warming to below 2 degrees. “A basic lesson to be learned from past experience in renewable energy is that, almost without exception, private sector investment has been driven by consistent and sustained government policy. Experiences from a number of countries around the world show how structured policies can bolster investor confidence, help ramp up renewable energy investments, bring technologies down the cost curve and thereby eventually strengthen their competitiveness.” saidOle Beier Sørensen, Chairman of the Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change and chief of Research and Strategy at the Danish pension fund ATP, with EUR56 billion in assets. Reflecting its weaker policies, North America lags well behind Europe and Asia in clean energy investing, supporting $20.7 billion in renewable energy projects in 2009, in comparison to $43.7 billion for Europe and $40.8 billion for Asia, according to a recent report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The gap has increased this year, with the U.S. investing only $4.4 billion in third-quarter 2010 while China's investments topped $13.5 billion and Europe $8.4 billion. Along with weaker investments, the US lags behind Europe and Asia in clean energy job creation. Just 176,000 of the world’s three million renewable energy jobs are in the US, while China boasts over one million, according to the United Nations Environment Programme and The Renewables 2010 Global Status Report. China created 300,000 renewable energy jobs in 2009 alone. The statement calls for the following domestic policies in both developed and developing countries:短期、中期和长期的温室气体减排目标
快速实施时间表努力减少砍伐森林和森林退化产生的排放(REDD)和REDD +);
扩大和深化国际碳市场,包括更清晰的对未来碳发展机制(CDM)的相互作用,联合实施(JI)和新兴发放贷款等机制的合适的国家减排措施(NAMAs)和redd +;