

(3提单媒体/可比我们波士顿,M金博宝手机版网页A - 11月18日,2011年后一个新的政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的报告极端天气和气候变化,商业领袖今天讨论了极端天气的不断增长的影响在他们的公司和客户,和行动来回应如果气候模式继续下去。

增加极端气候事件的频率和强度对房产经理也造成了挑战。“房地产行业长期以来一直专注于减少建筑对环境的影响通过能源使用和产生的碳排放,”Dan Probst说主席在仲量联行能源和可持续的服务,管理属性在U。188bet上不了和世界。“现在我们看到需要关注环境对建筑的影响由于气候变化的物理涟漪。超过以往任何时候,天气事件和其他气候因素开始影响房地产位置和设计决策。”In the insurance industry, there is broad consensus that climate change will mean more extreme weather events. Representatives from Swiss Re – one of the world’s largest reinsurers – and The Climate Corporation, a leader in weather insurance for agriculture, stressed the importance of managing risk that results from extreme weather and climate change. They also discussed the insurance industry’s role in taking steps to help businesses and people adapt. “The human and economic costs of severe weather are escalating and the IPCC report is another important reminder of the need to reverse this trend,” said Mark Way, Swiss Re’s Head Sustainability Americas Hub. “Swiss Re believes that effective adaptation measures can significantly improve society's resilience to climate risk and insurance has an important role to play in this regard.” Way said his company has been engaged for more than 20 years in addressing climate change. Recent initiatives have focused on developing countries and the need to expand access to insurance products to protect the most vulnerable communities from the impact of climate risk. David Friedberg, founder and CEO of The Climate Corporation, outlined the way state-of-the-art weather data and advanced technology helps farmers in the U.S. protect their livelihoods from changing climate conditions. His company offers automated weather insurance to buffer farmers from the financial impact of key weather perils, including excess rain, drought, heat and freeze. “Our customers tell us that the weather on their farms is more extreme and less predictable than it was even five or ten years ago,” Friedberg said. “Weather is the primary operational risk that farmers cannot control, and it’s vital to the security of the global food supply that agricultural producers have solutions available to them that mitigate their financial exposure to increasingly extreme weather.” About Ceres Ceres is a coalition of investors and pubic interest organizations working with companies to address climate change and other sustainability challenges. Ceres directs the Investor Network on Climate Risk, a network of 100 institutional investors with collective assets of $10 trillion focused on the business impacts of climate change. For more information visitwww.ceres.orgwww.incr.com