

The coconut craze isn’t necessarily benefiting coconut farmers, and in many cases is driving them into deep poverty. Here are two ways you can help.
2018年7月13日,星期五 - 上午9:00

活动:Tree of Life


欢迎来到椰子时代,椰子是世界上最受欢迎的超级食品之一。无论您是否称自己为椰子爱好者,您都可能每天都使用某种形式。椰子无处不在 - 在我们的餐点,身体护理产品,洗衣房和药柜中。自十年前椰子水变得流行以来,我们一直对椰子油,水,肉,棕榈糖和面粉的多功能性感到惊讶。

Coconut water alone is projected to generate $4 billion in revenue between 2015 and 2019. It's reported that the global demand for coconut is growing at a rate of more than 10 percent each year. So coconut is booming, but where's it all coming from? And an even bigger question: can the people growing it keep up with the craze?

世界上有70%的椰子可以追溯到3个国家 /地区的小型家庭农场:印度尼西亚,菲律宾和印度。尽管市场增长,但菲律宾的平均椰子农民每天不到$ 1(来源)生活在贫困线以下。如果没有收入投资于农作物,农民对台风,害虫,衰老的树木和其他环境因素毫无防备,这些因素瞬间消灭了整个农作物。以这种速度,需求远远超过了供应,如果我们想保持椰子行业的活力,则由我们购买椰子产品,而不是受到伤害。

The challenges

1.) Demand is outpacing supply

亚太地区生产椰子的生产仅以每年约1.3%的速度增长(需求增加了10%),这主要是由于衰老的树木生产率下降。On average, a coconut tree’s lifespan is up to 100 years, but peak production happens between ages 10 and 30. As a tree ages, it produces fewer coconuts, leaving farmers to decide whether to remove the tree and replant or continue relying on the dwindling yields. A major factor here is that it takes upwards of five years for a tree to start producing coconuts, which is a long time to wait to put food on the table.


The National Anti-Poverty Commission found that despite the increased demand for coconut, the average coconut farmer lives below the poverty line. The average annual income for a coconut-farming household is around $355 a year, which averages out to less than one dollar a day. Farmers have little to no extra income to invest in resources for their farms, which results in shrinking crops and further declining incomes. And so, the cycle continues. Low incomes, declining production, deeper poverty. The worst part? Younger generations are watching this cycle firsthand, and are looking for the exit. People just don’t want to grow up to be coconut farmers; it’s simply not a viable profession.


The Philippines are hit by an average of 20 typhoons per year. In 2013, Typhoon Yolanda damaged 33 million trees, impacting more than one million farmers across the country and causing $369 million in losses. Pests also pose a major threat to coconut yields and can impact trees virtually overnight—an issue that heightens with irregular and warming weather patterns.

Two things you can do to help:


您的椰子产品上的公平贸易认证印章可确保您的购买有助于补充世界减少的椰子供应,为椰子业务的阴暗面提供家庭农民的保护,并将年轻一代保留在农场上。自2013年以来,公平贸易椰子农民和工人通过购买公平贸易认证的椰子产品而获得了230万美元的树木种植和苗圃创建,救灾计划,作物多元化以及其他急需的社区发展项目的$ 230万美元。188bet网址怎么打不开




This videoexplains two important facets of Fair Trade certification: the Fair Trade standards, which are put in place to protect the farmers and the land they rely on, and the Community Development Fund, an additional amount of money farmers earn when you purchase a coconut product with the Fair Trade Certified seal. Farmers decide democratically how best to use this money to strengthen their farms, livelihoods, and communities. We call this the Fair Trade Difference.