IWBI Policy Roundup: Policymakers Leading the Way for Healthier Buildings

IWBI Policy Roundup: Policymakers Leading the Way for Healthier Buildings

Friday, July 22, 2022 - 2:50pm



Welcome Back to IWBI's Policy Roundup, a quarterly article highlighting our work to advocate for policies that advance people-first places worldwide.

Both federal and city leaders are taking action, prioritizing the health and well-being of buildings and the people within them. In this roundup, learn more about legislation being considered on Capitol Hill to add tax incentives for indoor air quality improvements, action by the U.S. Conference of Mayors to support healthy buildings and schools and how IWBI is partnering to promote healthier cities and workplaces.


Congress considers legislation to provide incentives for indoor air quality improvements
In May, Congressman Don Beyer (VA-08) introduced the Airborne Act (H.R. 7671),这将激励商业建筑所有者通过向其提供每平方英尺1美元的税收抵免,不超过进行评估的费用,从而对其物业进行IAQ评估。该法案的介绍与支持企业采用和实施健康和安全最佳实践的需求越来越吻合,尤其是随着越来越多的工人开始返回办公室,劳动统计局发现。


In June, the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and its membership of over 1,400 cities, at the conclusion of its 90th annual meeting in Reno, passed a major policy resolution to advance healthy buildings as a key strategy to support community preparedness and foster healthier, stronger cities. The resolution, titled “推进健康的建筑物,以支持社区和国家的准备和韧性188bet网址怎么打不开,”敦促城市利用《美国救援计划法》(ARPA)和两党基础设施​​法(BIL)的可用联邦资金,以帮助跨越公共建筑投资组合的地方行动。

USCM总裁兼迈阿密弗朗西斯·苏亚雷斯(Francis Suarez)的市长以身作则,迈阿密成为该国的第一个城市为了在市政建筑物的投资组合中获得健康安全的评级。为了帮助激发市长,苏亚雷斯市长敦促其他城市效仿并采取类似的行动,以促进更健康的建筑物。

迈阿密市市长弗朗西斯·苏亚雷斯(Francis Suarez)说:“在迈阿密,我们长期以来一直将城市中每个人的健康,安全和福祉置于优先级。”“但是,并非每个人都意识到我们在建筑物内花费了大约90%的一生,这突显了支持更好的建筑物的重要性,这些建筑物将帮助所有人蓬勃发展。通过对我们的公共建筑很好地拥抱,我们正在加紧努力 - 我们正在散步。我很自豪的是,这座城市建筑(包括我们的市政厅)的投资组合得到了全球健康建筑领域领先权力的认可。我希望其他城市能够复制迈阿密为推进井建筑物所做的事情,以便我们可以将健康建筑物的好处带给各地的社区。”

此外,USCM还采用了支持关键学校现代化的政策,强调了需要更好,更健康的K-12学校设施。这policy resolution敦促当地领导人从《美国救援计划法》和两党基础设施​​法中指导历史悠久的联邦资金,以支持公立学校设施的改进和升级,这是使学校基础设施现代化现代化的战略努力的一部分,并确保健康的学校环境。


If your organization is interested in joining the coalition, please reach out to Jodie Applewhite atjodie.applewhite@wellcertified.comto learn more.

In May, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) and Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) sent a letter to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler, urging the commission to require disclosure of standardized data including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability status in all future rulemaking related to human capital management and diversity.

“As the SEC continues to update its disclosure rules to ensure today’s investors have reliable data to make informed investment decisions, such data should be included in all future rulemaking related to human capital management and diversity,” thelawmakers added。“Shareholder proposals are increasingly demanding more data on human capital and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). To this end, we would like to highlight certain disclosures that are essential in any SEC rule addressing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), and in particular DEI, key components of “S” and “G” in ESG.”

Consistent with the letter, SEC Chairman Gensler已经发出信号在过去的一年中,SEC可能采取行动需要更多与人力和社会资本指标和指标有关的披露。

IWBI X NLC与当地领导人坐下

First to be highlighted in the series was Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway of Madison, Wisconsin. Mayor Rhodes-Conway entered office in 2019 and has outlined affordable housing, rapid transit, climate change and racial equity as its main priorities, releasing three climate-driven platforms to envision the City of Madison’s strategic action:向前住,,,,地铁向前andClimate Forward。阅读有关对话的更多信息here

Victoria, B.C., Canada to host ICLEI-Canada Livable Cities Forum
Mayor Lisa Helps of Victoria, Canada and a WELL City co-chair, is hosting the ICLEI-Canada Livable Cities Forum on October 3-5, 2022. The Forum will provide an interactive peer learning space to explore how to build communities that are prepared for current and future impacts of climate change, while moving toward a more sustainable, healthy and equitable future.

IWBI将在论坛上举办研讨会,WELL Cities- Fostering Resilience, Equity and Community Well-being。该会议将使人们对井城市计划的发展进程的认识,该计划将支持并赋予地方政府的权力,这些政府证明领导能力可以提高其社区中的健康,福祉和社会平等。互动研讨会的与会者将有能力了解有关Well City框架的更多信息,并借鉴他们的经验和见解,以贡献有助于塑造程序框架的投入。注册here出席。

