IWBI Signature Interview Series: Health Leadership at Eden Park



伊甸园公园(Eden Park)是新西兰国家体育场(National Stadium),也是全黑人的故乡,是能源,友情和体育精神的灯塔。在大流行锁定期间,欢呼声保持沉默。为了灌输对球迷胜利回归的空间的信心,伊甸园追求WELL Health-Safety Rating for Facility Operations and Management.

IWBI与Eden Park首席执行官Nick Sautner坐下来,以了解有关体育场获得健康安全性评级的旅程的更多信息,以及对球迷的意义。

As the CEO of Eden Park, what inspired you to pursue the WELL Health-Safety Rating? In other words, what were the biggest drivers?
We are committed to future-proofing the venue for the generations ahead, and every initiative we engage is carefully considered from both a strategic and an environmental perspective. Choosing to pursue the WELL Health-Safety Rating was an easy decision because it aligns with the Park’s values and priorities. We are delighted to be leading the way in health and safety standards for venues in the region. From improved cleaning practices to emergency preparedness programmes, these built-in building and space features constantly promote the wellness of those who work, visit and play at Eden Park.


As New Zealand’s national stadium, Eden Park has always been a leader in supporting the health, safety and wellness needs of everyone who visits our venue. This WELL Health-Safety seal recognises these efforts and demonstrates our commitment.


How has the stadium shared and celebrated this achievement with employees, fans and the broader community? What reactions have you seen?
几个月前,我们举行了一场正式的“发射”活动,以庆祝获得健康安全评级成就的场地。邀请所有员工和受托人参加。我们承认,这种认可是一项合作的努力 - 从我们的设施到运营再到健康与安全团队,我们的员工都接受了达到我们评级的过程。


健康与安全一直是体育部门的首要任务,伊甸园公园(Eden Park)为其为在场地的所有活动参与者,员工和雇用者提供安全环境而感到自豪。对于我们来说,我们的过程并没有发生巨大变化。但是,由于大流行,现在对健康与安全有了更大的关注。

Our most significant challenge was implementing the rating during a COVID-19 lockdown. This limited our ability to collect information, prepare documentation, and obtain photographs in a timely manner; the circumstances prolonged the actual collation of the information required.

您是否还将其他健康设施纳入了设计和运营中,这些设施并没有为金博宝怎么注册健康的安全而做出贡献,但是这使Eden Park与其他体育场区分开来?

In addition, we have a strong sustainability programme led by our Sustainability Manager, Lian Tetley. Eden Park has its own market garden, run by a group of migrant women, and its own community compost system.You can read more about our Sustainability Journey on our website.

What advice would you give to other stadiums interested in pursuing the WELL Health-Safety Rating?
Don’t hesitate! The process is not at all arduous and in today’s uncertain environment, receiving the confirmation that your venue is worthy of the seal is invaluable. World-renowned scientists, public health specialists and industry leaders are encouraging people to look for the WELL Health-Safety seal at their favourite places. Yankee Stadium, the Empire State Building, Texas’ AT&T Stadium and thousands of other internationally acclaimed venues, buildings and spaces have achieved the rating. We’re delighted to now be part of this global community that is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of individuals in our space, and we’d encourage other stadiums to follow our lead.

观看伊甸园公园(Eden Parks)的庆祝活动,以达到健康安全等级。


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