约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz):美国创造了两个经济体



我们没有修复银行系统,哥伦比亚大学经济学教授约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)对富有的观众在本周世界商业论坛。

联邦调查局把大银行从遗忘的边缘,但其他人没有桨的小溪。你知道幸运的几个是谁——美国银行、摩根大通、富国银行、花旗银行、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的资本,和美国运通。提醒你的事实,这些银行通过三个生命线获救:资本、信用和减轻债务。在紧急时间,他们用7000亿美元资金清算。有毒债务被允许将“关闭”书籍;政府购买价值数十亿美元的有毒证券,让其他债务资产负债表上潜伏数年。第三,这些银行已经获得联邦储备基金近百分之零在过去的两年里,消费者贷款利率18 - 29%。所以其他的银行系统怎么了?他们像我们中的许多人是艰难地维持下去。踩水,海平面为中档和地区性银行正在上升。 Stiglitz says 800 smaller U.S. banks are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Time to fire the whole crew at the Federal Reserve, Treasury, and National Economic Council! (Larry Summers—thank you for saving us the trouble.) According to Joseph Stiglitz, the Feds did not finish the job. Big bailout banks are swimming in cash—cash that was supposed to fuel the rest of the economy. Instead these bloated money suckers use taxpayer reserves for foreign investment and speculation that bypasses everyone in the U.S. except the top tier of the financial system. Fortunately for big corporations, they are able to access credit and capital by issuing bonds and shares. Corporate and high yield bonds are fueling an otherwise anemic securities industry. Yet where does this pooling of cash at the top leave small and medium-sized business? SMEs, supposedly the nation’s primary job creators, have been stripped of access to capital and credit, and are overburdened with debt. SMEs are dependent on bank loans for liquidity. Big banks are not lending to small and medium sized businesses, because they don’t need to. They make more money with less hassle and less regulation on foreign shores and use U.S. Federal Reserve cash to do so. Smaller banks are unable to take the risk. Depressed real estate markets limit the source of traditional collateral SMEs use to support loans. The result? According to Joseph Stiglitz, one of the world’s most respected economists (and one of the few that predicted the credit crisis), this scenario has created two economies—one economy for big banks and corporations where money is circulating and the other for small and medium sized business where access to cash has been cut off. My question is simply this: If SMEs make up 70% of the business economy in the U.S., and these businesses cannot access a basic staple like credit, isn’t there another economic crisis rumbling beneath the surface of the “real” economy? Stiglitz says yes, this is possible. One of six people can’t find full-time work in the U.S. Long term unemployment hovers between 9-10% and continues to weigh heavily on economy. The professor believes that the federal government will have to jump in and lend directly to small and medium business to stimulate job growth and provide all-important credit CPR. At Good-B, we have been suggesting this solution for awhile. We interface with small and medium-sized business every day. They are echoing the same thing with increasing frequency over the past 18 months. What are they telling us? We need access to capital, access to credit, and relief from debt. We need help! I wonder if anyone out there is listening. Does anyone hear what Joseph Stiglitz, those of us at Good Business International, and all those small and medium sized businesses who have been abandoned by our banking system and thrown out to sea are saying? Small Business America is gasping for air! The recent small business bill is wholly inadequate to solve the problem. It will not give the banks enough incentive or ability to lend. Politicians continue to claim they represent smaller businesses. Yet little changes. The problem persists. President Obama, Congress, state and city governments, large and small banks, bickering politicians…another economic catastrophe is growing—a credit crisis for every part of the economy that is cut off by the business air supply of credit and capital. This means 70% of the economic system in the U.S. is at risk.那么你能做什么来改变呢?我邀请中小企业、专业人士、企业家和其他任何人来告诉我们你的故事。在这个经济你过得如何?30 - 60秒的短片,我们将它。寄给我们你的评论对当前经济形势和挑战,我们将发布它。也许我们可以改变,我们的声音。Contact@good-b.com主题:空气2010 -版权所有©







