Key Global Beverage Companies Share Commitment to Addressing Climate Change in Operations and Supply Chains

BIER Releases Joint Commitment Statement
May 20, 2015 5:30 PM ET
Campaign: Energy & Climate

May 20, 2015 /3BL Media/ - Given the global beverage sector’s share of Global Greenhouse Gases (GHG) is estimated at 0.4%, climate change reduction and adaptation are crucial components for environmental sustainability strategies in the beverage industry. Climate change has significant ramifications for water and energy -- vital resources both within our direct operations, as well as within the broader production supply chain. Thus, a compelling business case can be made from the beverage sector to recognize and adapt to these environmental challenges.

Select members of the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) recognize the need for more focus on the issue of climate change, and have joined together to make a commitment addressing this important challenge. Through their collective action, these global beverage leaders:

  • Recognize climate change as one of the greatest challenges facing the continued prosperity of society, particularly to those in emerging markets;
  • Commit to continuing to ‘do their part’ to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions not only across their own operations, but also by driving action through their supply chains; and
  • Support an international framework of national GHG reduction targets and commitments to invest in adapation.

Bier成员一直是其行业中的领导者,以发展对当今水挑战的反应。莫尔森·库尔斯(Molson Coors)代表和比尔气候变化和能源集团的负责人杰米·麦金农(Jamie Mackinnon)表示:“通过这些新承诺,我们希望利用我们的集体专业知识和水管理资源来建立我们社会对气候变化的更高弹性。”“我们认为,这种对集体行动建立共享水资源的弹性的承诺将使Bier成员能够发挥重要作用。”

Bier总监Tod Christenson补充说:“饮料公司有很大的机会发挥领导作用并改善饮料部门运营以外的影响。”“通过我们的工作,BIER成员通过技术合作,开发可持续解决方案以及致力于在这一全球挑战中的持续承诺加速变化。”

BIER’s Joint Commitment on Climate Change is available for download at:

About BIER

The Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) is a technical coalition of leading global beverage companies working together to advance environmental sustainability within the beverage sector. BIER aims to affect sector change through work focused on water stewardship, energy efficiency and climate change, beverage container recycling, sustainable agriculture, and eco-system services. BIER members engaging on the commitment include: Anheuser-Busch InBev, Bacardi, Brown-Forman, Carlsberg, The Coca-Cola Company, Constellation Brands, Inc., Danone Waters, Diageo, Fetzer Vineyards, Heineken, Keurig Green Mountain, Inc., MillerCoors, Molson Coors, New Belgium Brewing Company, Ocean Spray Cranberries, PepsiCo, Pernod Ricard, SABMiller, and Sun Orchard.

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