KeyBank Provides $20 Million To Advance Racial Equity With Real Estate Development

KeyBank Provides $20 Million To Advance Racial Equity With Real Estate Development

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Wednesday, June 8, 2022 - 9:00am

CAMPAIGN:Key Supports Affordable Housing

CONTENT: Press Release

Cleveland, June 8, 2022 /3BL Media – KeyBank Community Development Lending and Investments (CDLI) provided a $20 million term loan to Enterprise Community Loan Fund Inc. (Enterprise) to supportEquitable Path Forward, a $3.5 billion nationwide initiative to help dismantle the legacy of racism in housing.


“This investment is an opportunity for KeyBank to advance efforts in minority communities through impactful investing and build on KeyBank’s successful Community Benefit Plan,” said Derek Reed, Vice President, KeyBank CDLI.

KeyBank’s Community Benefit Plan专注于对经济适用房,抵押和小型企业贷款以及可再生能源的投资,以改善获得教育和劳动力发展的机会,以及安全和重要的社区。

“KeyBank’s support is instrumental as we advance racial equity in the housing industry,” said Elise Balboni, President, Enterprise Community Loan Fund. “Partnerships like this directly support developers of color whose access to capital has historically been minimized. We appreciate KeyBank’s commitment to furthering racial equity.”

Derek Reed of KeyBank’s CDLI team structured the financing.

About KeyBank Community Development Lending and Investment

KeyBank社188bet网址怎么打不开区发展贷款和投资(CDLI)为稳定和振兴所有50个州的社区的项目。As one of the top affordable housing capital providers in the country, KeyBank’s platform brings together construction, acquisition, bridge-to-re-syndication, and preservation loans, as well as lines of credit, Agency and HUD permanent mortgage executions, and equity investments for low-income housing projects, especially Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) financing. KeyBank has earned 10 consecutive “Outstanding” ratings on the Community Reinvestment Act exam, from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, making it the first U.S. national bank among the 25 largest to do so since the Act’s passage in 1977.

Equitable Path Forward

Equitable Path Forward is a five-year, $3.5 billion nationwide initiative to help dismantle the legacy of racism in housing. This includes what types of homes get built, where they're built, who builds them and the wealth that they generate. It’s time to invest in housing providers who are deeply engaged in their own communities. With our partners, Enterprise is paving an equitable path forward for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and other historically marginalized housing providers by:

  • 填补数十年的系统种族主义造成的资本差距
  • Strengthening providers through advisory services and other nonfinancial support
  • Creating new career pathways to diversify leadership in real estate

About Enterprise

Enterprise is a national nonprofit that exists to make a good home possible for the millions of families without one. We support community development organizations on the ground, aggregate and invest capital for impact, advance housing policy at every level of government, and build and manage communities ourselves. Since 1982, we have invested $54 billion and created 873,000 homes across all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico – all to make home and community places of pride, power and belonging. Join us
