

Seattle and Greater Puget Sound start-up and existing WOB businesses will compete for over $47,000 in awards


Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 9:00am



SEATTLE, June 7, 2022 /3BL Media/ – KeyBank’s Key4Women program, TheWMarketplace, University of Washington Foster School of Business, and University of Washington Tacoma Milgard School of Business are collaborating to host a business pitch contest for women-owned businesses located in Seattle and Greater Puget Sound. Opportunities for start-ups and existing businesses will be offered, with cash awards totaling over $47,000. The grand prize winner will earn $20,000.

To be eligible, businesses must be 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women. They must also be headquartered in King, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston, or Kitsap counties. Applicants can be an entrepreneur with a new business idea or an existing business with a new product or service that expands their current business with annual sales of less than $3 million.

“We are excited to be working with Key4Women on this pitch contest. This is an opportunity to work with even more women-owned businesses and entrepreneurs in the Seattle and Greater Puget Sound,” said Susan Gates, Co-Founder of TheWMarketplace. “Our goal is not only to provide money for the winner’s business growth, but to provide a complimentary 1-year membership to TheWMarketplace to all finalists, giving them access to a national sales channel for their products or services. When women-owned businesses thrive, they are hiring and helping to grow the economy.”


Criteria used to determine winners include the quality of the presentation, clarity of business vision and mission, economic impact of the idea and the soundness of value proposition. Mentoring is also available post contest to all applicants.

"Our center has had a long-standing relationship with KeyBank and we’re delighted to co-sponsor with Key4Women. For more than 25 years, we’ve supported the growth of women- and minority-owned businesses and we look forward to continuing this work through this pitch contest,” Wilfredo Tutol, Director of Washington State Programs, UW Foster CBDC.

迪恩(Dean)博士说:“米尔加德商学院(Milgard Business of Business of Business of School of Business of School)获胜的想法,启动现金和专家指导,以支持这一成功公式。”“我们知道业务中的女性将带来令人兴奋的创新。现在是时候了。”

“Women business owners and leaders positively impact our economy and communities in powerful ways every day,” said Rachael Sampson, national director, Key4Women. “Key4Women is on a mission to advocate, connect, and empower them to thrive. The WMarketplace, UW and UWT are great co-sponsors in this endeavor, and through this pitch contest we look forward to offering two critical supports women-owned businesses often struggle to find or ask for: mentorship and capital.”



Thewmarketplace于2020年推出,是一个妇女拥有的全国性电子商务市场,供女性企业家出售其产品以及专业和个人服务。188bet上不了它为卖方提供有利的条款,也是一个由女性企业家组成的支持社区,可以通过商标的Her-Commerce™计划获得学习机会。188bet网址怎么打不开有500多家妇女拥有的企业出售3500多种产品和服务,从家居用品到教练,在35个州,The Whmarketplace为购物者提188bet上不了供了一种新的方式,以寻找他们想要支持的社区,包括黑人妇女拥有的,包括黑人妇女的拉丁裔,拉丁裔拥有的。,Aapi拥有的,资深的妇女拥有的等等。


The UW Consulting and Business Development Center links students, faculty, and staff from the Foster School of Business with a racially and ethnically diverse business and nonprofit community to expand students' knowledge and skills, help small businesses grow, create and retain jobs, open educational opportunities for under-represented minority students, and stimulate innovative economic development research.




Key4Women始于2005年,是一项运动,在三年内向合格的妇女拥有的企业贷款10亿美元。该计划在两年内实现了这一目标,现在已经向妇女拥有的企业生产了超过120亿美元的贷款。Key4Women的会员资格是免费的。除了帮助女性企业领袖和所有者利用资本来建立和发展其业务外,Key4Women成员还获得了与当地认证的Key4Wome Advisors团队的宝贵访问权限,他们倡导,联系并授权女性能够在其财务健康之旅中获得权力。有关更多信息,请访问
