Keysight and World Eniversion Day 2022:只有一个地球
Keysight and World Eniversion Day 2022:只有一个地球
每天对环境都很重要,在6月5日,我们很高兴庆祝世界环境日,以鼓励意识和环境保护并激发积极的变化。每年,一个不同的国家举办正式庆祝活动。今年瑞典是主人,他们选择的主题只是一个地球,重点是与自然和谐相处的必要性。这是一个历史的一年,因为它是自1972年联合国人类环境会议以来的50年,该会议在斯德哥尔摩举行,并被广泛认为是第一次关于环境的国际会议。该斯德哥尔摩会议上的座右铭也只有一个地球,今天仍然存在 - 这是我们唯一的星球,我们必须保护其有限资源。
Keysight's net zero strategies include improving maintenance schedules, initiating company-wide energy conservation measures, electrifying our fleet vehicles and industrial processes, implementing on-site renewable energy installations, partnering with green utility providers, and facilitating impactful Power Purchase Agreements. Examples of how we’ve made progress towards our net zero emissions goal include:
- 将公司运营的数据覆盖范围提高到了由我们的运营控制所定义的70多个站点,这使我们可以更好地了解站点级别的相互依存关系和对我们整体温室气体(GHG)足迹的影响
- 在我们最大的马来西亚槟城设施安装了5.8mw峰屋顶太阳能电池阵列,该设施于2022年春季完成,每年提供约7,900 MWH的能源,占该网站当前电力消耗的20%
- Maintained the one MW peak carport solar array at our headquarters facility in Santa Rosa, CA that reduces our carbon footprint and provides approximately 5% of the site’s electrical needs; in addition, there are more than 50 electric vehicle charging stations onsite for employee use
- 在2021年,我们优先考虑减少节能和保护项目的努力,包括HVAC改造,发光二极管(LED)装置以及空气压缩机维修和更换
- In February 2020, Keysight’s Atlanta, Georgia site received a Gold Level certification by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).
Restoring Nature
Keysight's locations are not in protected areas or areas of high biodiversity. Nevertheless, we operate in a manner that is committed to continuous improvement in environmental sustainability through recycling, conservation of resources, emissions reduction, prevention of pollution, product development, and promotion of environmental responsibility amongst our employees. Examples of how
- Planting native grass that requires less water and energy to maintain
- 加利福尼亚州圣罗莎市总部校园的住房蜂箱,以帮助支持可持续的蜜蜂人口
- Many sites employ sustainable landscaping projects, recycling bins, composting, and energy efficient building systems to minimize the impact of operations on the local environment
- 鼓励员工在公司财产的花园中种植自己的蔬菜
- 在我们的较大地点维护和修复水管和阀门,代表超过200万平方英尺的空间
- 在我们的德国Boeblingen网站上安装非接触式水龙头
- Our Santa Rosa, CA site wastewater treatment facility reclaims approximately 15% of total water withdrawn at the site and reuses it in facility-related operations and landscaping
- Replaced non-biodegradable Styrofoam with recyclable air pillow packaging, reducing waste to landfill
Keysight has eliminated the use of plastic straws at our sites globally. It started in 2018 when our largest manufacturing site in Penang, Malaysia launched a month-long “final straw” campaign to raise awareness and encourage employees across the facility to say no to plastic straws and other single-use plastics. Through this campaign, an estimated 8,000 straws in a month were eliminated. We are believed to be the first company in Penang’s Free Industrial Zone to take a proactive stance on this worldwide environmental concern. The state of Penang has tried for years to implement bans on single-use plastics but have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since this inspiring “final straw” campaign, Keysight facilities globally have completely gone straw-less to reduce the number of plastic straws sent to landfills.
Forward Progress Continues
We are doing our part as good corporate citizens but understand collectively, we still have a ways to go to ensure future generations inherit a sustainable planet. We encourage all our employees at work and outside of work to do their part in supporting environmental sustainability every day. I continue to be inspired and draw strength from events such as World Environment Day. The ingenuity and technical advancements that are made on a daily basis allow for more sustainable choices in our daily lives from food to clothing to transportation. On a personal note, almost 5 years ago, I started a plant-based diet. At first, I thought it would be difficult but the more I researched and experimented, the easier (and tastier) it became. Making more conscious sustainable choices daily, no matter how big or small, help to make a difference.