Keysight To Showcase Solutions That Accelerate the Wireless Evolution at Mobile World Congress 2023

Feb 27, 2023 9:45 AM ET

SANTA ROSA, Calif., February 27, 2023 /3BL Media/ -What:随着5G加速的范围,下一代细胞技术将在带宽利用率,数据传输和应用程序启用方面做出巨大改进。在全球范围内采用技术采用率也正在增长5G的增强。正在设计和部署网络,以启用围绕空间/卫星的较新用例。在Mobile World Congress 2023, Keysight's technical experts will highlight the advanced solutions that are helping customers accelerate the wireless evolution. With an end-to-end portfolio of product development solutions that quickly solve design, emulation, and precision measurement test challenges, Keysight is empowering devices and chipsets, enhancing network intelligence, improving energy efficiency, and shaping future technologies.

When: February 27-March 2, 2023

Where:Keysight Booth:5厅Stand 5E12
Fira de Barcelona Gran通过
Barcelona, Spain


Accelerate 5G

  • Boost IoT with 5G RedCap:RedCap (Reduced Capability) 5G is a new optimized design for mid-tier use cases. Keysight's IoT security solution combined with our 5G network emulator optimized for RedCap testing will demonstrate advanced security testing on a realistic RedCap network.
  • 模拟非事物5G:随着成千上万的低地球轨道(LEO)卫星或“ Mega”星座的启动,公司需要测试解决方案来表征其非事物网络(NTN)的性能。Keysight的NTN测试床演示将应用定时和多普勒预补偿,使用扩展的混合自动重复请求(HARQ),并测量以下设备的测试障碍率(BLER)和吞吐量。
  • 测试元设备:Using Eggplant Intelligent Automation, Keysight will test a 5G-connected HoloLens augmented reality (AR) / virtual reality (VR) device user interface (UI) and the user experience (UX). The device connects to a 5G Network Emulation Platform to validate application scenarios.
  • Evolve Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Communications:Keysight将演示如何运行射频(RF)和协议测试到专用短距离通信(DSRC)的车载单元(OBU)和路边单元(RSU)认证。5G网络仿真平台和C-V2X工具链将通过拥塞测试创建一个复杂的方案。

Advance Open Ran

  • 开发5G绿色网络:随着网络的能力和覆盖范围的增长,能源效率是顶级网络运营商的优先事项。在不影响最终用户体验的情况下优化能源消耗需要跨域的能量和性能KPI,再加上节能机制以及从跑步到核心的智能控制。Keysight和Analog Devices合作伙伴可以使用先进的节能机制来展示自动无线电单元(RU)能源效率的基准,并突出显示增益。Keysight还将展示其O-RAN节能解决方案,该解决方案可以使用智能控制,遥测和电源管理功能来降低多供应商,云Oran系统的功耗。
  • Analyze O-RAN Massive MIMO:该演示展示了如何立即测试下行链路和上行链路,单用户和多用户大量MIMO RF光束形状 /重量测量值或在多个TR无线电上进行特定的RF参数测量。Keysight还将演示如何分析5G新广播(NR)空气界面,包括使用WaveHudge详细详细介绍的Fronthaul信号和流量。

Deploy Private Networks

  • Deploy & Optimize Private 5G:Keysight将使用Keysight解决方案(例如新的Nemo行业探针,用于主动监视行业4.0),具有广泛的频率和带宽覆盖范围的现场测试和现场接受,以及Wavehudge的范围频率和带宽覆盖,以及Waveudge Judge,将演示如何验证和诊断5G专用网络。无线分析仪进行空中界面的全堆栈审核。

Shape Future Technologies

  • Enabling early research in future technologies, including 6G:

    Network modeling聚焦着聚光灯如何使用数字双胞胎来评估和分析能源效率,如何实现现实世界中的数据和行为模型。Keysight将展示我们网络建模解决方案的全部潜力。

    建模未来的空气界面demonstrates why the integration of machine learning (ML) technologies into the new air interface is essential for future wireless evolution. PathWave System Design Software simulates a model of a 5G physical layer and a 3GPP wireless channel, then estimates the channel. Using electronic design automation (EDA) software and real hardware connections, the demonstration will quantify the performance difference between traditional and new machine learning techniques.
  • Sub-THz research:Frequency bands above 100GHz open new possibilities to deploy extreme data-rate communications and sensing. This demo showcases unprecedented bandwidth, data rate, and error vector magnitude (EVM) capability at 142GHz. Developed specifically for 6G, this proprietary technology and measurement science allows researchers to know exactly what is happening in their innovative designs.


Media Activities
接触Geri Lacombe安排媒体简报和解决方案演示。


Keysight delivers advanced design and validation solutions that help accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Keysight's dedication to speed and precision extends to software-driven insights and analytics that bring tomorrow's technology products to market faster across the development lifecycle, in design simulation, prototype validation, automated software testing, manufacturing analysis, and network performance optimization and visibility in enterprise, service provider and cloud environments. Our customers span the worldwide communications and industrial ecosystems, aerospace and defense, automotive, energy, semiconductor and general electronics markets. Keysight generated revenues of $5.4B in fiscal year 2022. For more information about Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS), visit us

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