金伯利 - 克拉克,三角洲和西开普政府重新将水数据转变为解决方案

金伯利 - 克拉克,三角洲和西开普政府重新将水数据转变为解决方案

2019年8月29日,星期四 - 下午2:50




该研讨会是一系列课程中的第二次研讨会,旨在识别和实施基于WaterLoupe的水短缺策略,这是一种基于科学的工具,有助于识别水风险。该工具是通过金伯利 - 克拉克和三角洲之间的合作伙伴关系设计的,它可以帮助开普敦等整个社区找到基于社区的解决方案。188bet网址怎么打不开该研讨会由金伯利·克拉克(Kimberly-Clark)与三角洲,西开普政府和荷兰领事馆合作主持。再次,利益相关者的合作是关键。

“随着世界各地城市的水压力的增加,预计公司将加紧努力解决水危机。对于金伯利 - 克拉克(Kimberly-Clark),这意味着在公司内外应用解决方案。“在过去的六个月中,Deltares勤奋地创建了一个强大的仪表板,该仪表板合并了来自分水岭的每个利益相关者的数据。与这个热情的社区领导人一起参加研讨会真是令人兴奋。”188bet网址怎么打不开

WaterLOUPE is one element of Kimberly-Clark’s water program, which evolved after Kimberly-Clark’s leadership teams realized that if their water management approach only included their own facilities, the most important element for protecting water in the world’s most water-stressed cities would still be missing.

“If we reduce 100% of our water consumption, but our corporate and municipal neighbors don’t do anything, we are still in the same place— we don’t have water for our manufacturing needs, our employees don’t have access to water, and our consumers are standing in water queues,” said Jackson. “It makes me proud to be a Capetonian – and an employee of Kimberly-Clark – to see that public and private partnerships are positively impacting the water crisis and we are finding ways solve it.”


类别: 环境