
美洲的环境可持续性,安永(Ernst & Young)金博宝怎么注册



我在蒙大拿和搬到阿拉斯加长大当我第一次走出大学,加入安永(Ernst & Young)。植根于这些雄伟的环境和周围的大自然的最好,我打回家,我们需要照顾我们的消耗资源。

自2001年以来,安永(Ernst & Young)都有其EcoCare程序到位,草根网络超过1000员工志愿者是在本地做事情更可持续。

我清算所的想法我们可以做什么在我们的办公室更可持续和我们能做些什么来提高员工的意识。我与我们的国家基础设施集团密切合作,包括房地产、设施,它和采购。很多他们做什么滴入当地的办事处。与地球监察我们的正在进行的项目,我们把团队最好的、最聪明的年轻人中美洲和南美洲为志愿者项目每年一周,是员工敬业度的一部分。这些举措结合科学领域研究和技能volunteerism-all围绕气候变化和可持续发展问题。金博宝怎么注册我们的人民,他们这些探险之后,有一个更大的对环境和业务之间的关系。这个经历帮助通知他们已经与客户讨论将可持续性嵌入到他们的商业策略,并帮助他们进行很大的改变他们的个人生活。金博宝怎么注册除了在哥斯达黎加,在过去的一年里我们第一次探险到巴西。作为一个会计师,收集度量标准是一个最喜欢的我工作的一部分。我们最重要的成就在过去的两年里减少21%的碳足迹。 Our carbon footprint is mainly energy consumption in our offices as well as business travel. In addition, I’m especially proud of a huge leap that we made in securing green office space. By 2012, 50% of our square footage in the United States will be in LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)-certified buildings. We have done a lot of work at our headquarters in New York City, including retrofitting 15,000 light fixtures to make them more energy efficient. In that same building, we are composting in our café, and we have secured green power in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates. We also track savings. In our key meetings across the U.S., we eliminate waste through a variety of efforts. For example, we eliminate bottled water and batch transportation, using vans and buses instead of taxis. Those two steps alone have saved significant money. But what’s great is that they also help mitigate our environmental footprint. We also started an initiative on Earth Day a few years ago called “Refill, not Landfill,” asking employees to bring their own mugs and water bottles to work. Every year, we save about 1.5 million coffee cups from going into the landfill. What I love about these initiatives is that they work for small and medium-size accounting firms, as well as large ones. Prior to taking on this role, I spent four years with Ernst & Young in India. What that taught me is that virtually everything can be repaired, reused or repurposed. One of my favorite sayings is that recycling is really a last resort—a failure to reduce or reuse. Changing basic behaviors—not printing unless you have to and reusing your coffee cup—are among the most important things we can do. I practice what I preach. I do a lot of my work through email and video conferencing rather than traveling so that I keep down my carbon footprint. I also try to live a very green lifestyle. I share a hybrid car with my husband. At home in Florida, we compost and participate in community-supported agriculture and use drought-tolerant plants in our landscaping. Right now, we are working toward becoming a zero-waste household and embracing a plant-based diet. We are close to achieving both of those goals. Nearly every day of the year, I wear green nail polish. I really like the color, but it also is a great conversation starter. Whether I’m sitting on an airplane or getting on an elevator, somebody always remarks about the color. Right away, it enables me to start a conversation around the fact that I have a green job and what sustainability means. It’s a great way to spread the word. —As told to Gary James, (gejames1010@gmail.com从教堂山)一个自由撰稿人,北卡罗来纳州EY19215