



然而,这种模式是依赖于文化在印度政府的角色不同于政府的角色再次在美国和加拿大的不同。一个固有的假设从北美上下文是为了阻止政府监管,行业或者公司必须负责自治。它从根本上是一个方程,即增加自主权将增加的负担责任贡献更大的利益;相反,增加依赖政府计划降低整体自治和默认情况下减少先天对社会的责任感。曾经声明(不幸的是被遗忘的来源),它不是政府提供所有项目的角色,而是要确保所有提供程序。如果人们接受这些假设,政府的角色不是立法合规企业社会责任标准,而是支持所有选民的社会期望,个人、公众和企业宣布责任为社会和环境好。金博宝手机版网页这导致三个选项运行他们的课程之一。1。公司认为他们对社会的责任和履行,这使他们在各种水平的指标,他们继续做生意。2。 A corporation abdicates their responsibility and chooses to do nothing but take from their community and the planet in a short-term race toward profit. – This corporation will lose its competitive advantage as it engages in socially and environmentally unsustainable behaviors – ultimately they will cease to exist. 3. A corporation chooses to flaunt civil standards and commits human rights or environmental abuses – here, the government steps in – and seeks fines or jail terms in order to create some kind of redress of the wrongs committed against society. Now, this is a simplistic view of government and CSR – and does not address many of the nuances in the continuum of behaviors outlined above, but the fundamental premise is that corporations will step up and have impactful and meaningful CSR strategies not because of some government mandate, but because it meets their responsibility as members of the community. Is there a fourth paradigm for companies to pursue? Should government be more involved in setting this agenda? Please leave comments atwww.theacaciagroup.blogspot.com金合欢集团的使命是为组织提供变革和独特的领导力发展寻求实现自己的全球公民。为此我们从企业社会责任知识融合,社区发展和领导力发展和学习为卓越为我们的客户创造新的机会。188bet网址怎么打不开欲了解更多信息,请访问www.theacaciagroup.caACACIA7039