

(3提单媒体/可比我们纽约,纽约金博宝手机版网页——11月18日,2011年全球主要公司包括摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility),德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)、彭博社、方法和BD (Becton, Dickinson和有限公司)采购或承诺采购业务至少25%的能源消耗来自风能。他们宣布他们的承诺成为认证根据新的WindMade™消费者标签在全球发布活动在纽约。

公司开创性的使用世界上第一个风力发电消费者标签今天公布了一个事件由WindMade™和纽约的联合国全球契约。标签允许参与公司沟通风能和其他可再生能源的份额作为整体的一部分电力需求的操作。背后的客观WindMade™是推动风力发电的需求,从而促进投资和增长的可再生能源市场。“这些公司在全球可持续性运动的前沿,“Henrik Kuffner, WindMade首席执行官。金博宝怎么注册“我们很高兴让他们上的独特WindMade™倡议,并有信心,很多人将在未来几周和几个月效仿。”“消费者已经准备好采取行动。全球67%的31000消费者告诉我们,他们更愿意WindMade™产品,甚至溢价Morten Albæk说,高级副总裁全球营销和客户洞察力在丹麦维斯塔斯风力系统公司,公司率先WindMade™倡议。“WindMade™赋予人们选择品牌选择风。”“我们相信清洁发展经济有好处,”Sabine Miltner说,德意志银行集团可持续发展官。金博宝怎么注册“我们致力于利用我们的核心业务专长全球经济走向一个更干净、更节能。我们相信以身作则和增加使用清洁电能从百分之七到65%在过去的四年。 WindMade is an important step toward more market transparency and we are pleased to join this new partnership.” "It is Motorola Mobility's intent through our participation in the WindMade™ initiative to encourage greater use of renewable energy sources like wind and solar around the globe,” said Bill Olson, director office of sustainability and stewardship, Motorola Mobility. “The supply side of the clean energy sector can clearly deliver, but now it is time to galvanize demand. Government has done their part, and it is now up to the corporate community to demonstrate leadership by committing to clean energy development. WindMade™ provides us with a roadmap for achieving this,” said Curtis Ravenel, head of sustainability, Bloomberg. "Corporations investing in wind energy technology need a global set of standards if they are to provide the transparency that's critical to their stakeholders as well as gain the competitive advantage that such investments can mean for their businesses," said Kathy Nieland, U.S. sustainable business solutions leader, PwC. ”Using wind power helps BD become a more sustainable organization, and the WindMade™ label sends a message to our customers and the industry that supporting clean sources of electricity is a sound business decision and an important choice in reducing a corporation’s environmental footprint,” said Glenn Barbi, vice president, Global Sustainability, BD. The WindMade corporate pioneers and founders are:
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