Legacy & CSRHub ESG Media Partnership

Dec 8, 2022 11:15 AM ET
Campaign: Press Releases
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Legacy & CSRHub ESG Media Partnership

Legacy Media and CSRHub are proud to announce our global media partnership, bringing ESG ratings and information to the $1trillion media industry. The partnership combines CSRHub’s consensus ESG data and Legacy’s valuable industry insight, enabling media strategists to make conscientious planning decisions, directing investment towards companies with strong ESG ratings.

“我们很高兴与Legacy合作,为媒体行业创建ESG平台。这将提供品牌董事会可以使用的镜头,以确保他们像供应链的其他任何部分一样向“好”媒体公司进行投资。ESG是许多公司议程的首要任务,我们与Legacy的合作伙伴关系将为媒体行业提供宝贵的情报。”CSRHUB首席执行官兼联合创始人Cynthia Figge。金博宝手机版网页

ESG is gaining momentum. In 2021, 52% of C-Suite directors reported that ESG issues are regularly a part of the board’s agenda, up from 34% in 2019 (source: PwC: ESG Oversight: The corporate director’s guide November 2021). Companies are increasingly measured on ESG criteria for investment purposes, risk management, reporting quality, and new business opportunities.

Assessing an organisation’s media spend impact and supply chain through an ESG lens is an emerging area in the media industry, with brands increasingly concerned with mitigating risk and being a proactive force for good in wider society.

Conversations and solutions include sustainability, diversity and inclusion, defunding hate speech and the necessity of connecting a company’s brand to values important to consumers, particularly in the younger generations. Topics have moved on from brand safety keyword lists, supply chain transparency and data privacy concerns to actively investing in quality content providers which support diverse voices and engage audiences.

Last year $8bn worth of global media pitches had elements of ESG within their briefs. These brands already understand the importance of incorporating ESG values in their media spend.

Developing a Media Measurement Framework for ESG

Through the Legacy and CSRHub partnership, Legacy offers a global, easily understood and established holistic framework to score brands and their media supply chain on ESG criteria, providing a baseline starting point to open a conversation on strategy, appropriate targets and how to measure progress.


Category and subcategory ESG ratings can be weighted to fit around a company’s specific core values. For example, a media owner may lead in Energy and Climate Change, but lag in Human Rights and Supply Chain – if this is not aligned with a brand’s values, their media agency can choose to align spend towards media owners/platforms that do align with brand values.

Our partnership aims to improve ESG performance for brands, media owners and agencies and become a leading ESG platform for the media industry.

“Strong brands have a focus on high ethical standards and business integrity, and the investment world is taking notice. Our partnership with CSRHub offers media planning tools using global ESG consensus data, which is both robust and substantiated, creating an internationally accepted ESG platform for the media industry. These tools are fundamental for purposeful media investment. Media is a huge part of a brand’s supply chain and our service offering allows brands to consciously invest, in line with core values”. Andy Power, Founder & CEO, Legacy Media

Legacy Media

CSRHub提供最全面的全球共识ESG(环境,社会和治理)评级,信息和工具。金博宝手机版网页CSRHUB的商业智能系统衡量了驱动公司和投资者可持续性决策的ESG业务影响。金博宝怎么注册CSRHUB成立于2007年,涵盖金博宝手机版网页了50,000多家公共和私营公司,并为155个国家 /地区的134个行业的30,000多家公司提供了ESG绩效评分。我们的大数据平台使用算法从852个来源汇总,标准化和权重指标,以对公司可持续性绩效产生强烈的共识。金博宝怎么注册

For more information, visitwww.csrhub.comorrequest a consultation.