联想通过Maersk Eco交付减少排放足迹

联想通过Maersk Eco交付减少排放足迹

2022年8月2日,星期二 - 下午12:35


August 2, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Lenovo, a global technology powerhouse and leader in PC and smart devices, is committing to further reduce its carbon footprint in transportation by partnering with Maersk’s ECO Delivery solutions for ocean freight shipments of its PC, smart devices, and infrastructure products from manufacturing locations in China to Asia Pacific and Europe. Maersk biofuels for ocean transport is estimated to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 80% versus existing fossil-fuel based fuel. Prioritizing sustainability within supply chains is becoming increasingly critical, and this latest announcement is another step for Lenovo as part of its goal to remove one million tons of greenhouse gas emissions from its supply chain by Fiscal Year 2025/26. This goal is in addition to its own ambitious science-based environmental targets that该公司于2020年推出

“联想完全致力于帮助缓解气候变化的影响,并就我们如何在全球管理服务和运输解决方案方面采取直接行动;188bet上不了除了创新的产品设计以及在制造中使用可持续材料。我们很高兴通过与Maersk的合作进一步开发这些解决方案。联想全球物流负责人加雷斯·戴维斯(Gareth Davies)表示,通过将我们的努力与主要供应链合作伙伴侧重于可持续性,使我们能够进一步减少碳排放。金博宝怎么注册

自2019年推出以来,客户对Maersk Eco的需求同比增长超过170%。该产品是一种使用第二代生物燃料的海洋运输产品,该产品将CO2排放量减少了80%以上。2021年,马士克生物燃料消费量增加了156%,主要是由生态递送驱动。

“我们很乐意为联想提供可持续的海洋解决方案,以进一步脱碳其供应链。联想has become the first technology industry exporter in China to opt for Maersk’s low emission ECO Delivery product, and we expect the growth in sales to continue in the coming years, as customers seek to execute on strengthened sustainability targets,” says Caroline Wu, Managing Director of Maersk Greater China.

通过与客户,技术提供商和认证合作伙伴的创新和合作,Maersk Eco交付提供了直接的碳储蓄。在2022年,ECO交付将扩展到第三方验证的降低排放的物流和服务产品,以服务于整个价值链的客户。188bet上不了




A.P. Moller - Maersk是一家集成的集装箱物流公司,致力于连接和简化其客户的供应链。作为运输服务的全球领导者,该公司在130个国家 /地区运营,并雇用188bet上不了了约95,000名员工。网站:www.maersk.com