Lenovo's Path to a Brighter, More Sustainable Future

Lenovo's Path to a Brighter, More Sustainable Future



At Lenovo, our vision is to provide smarter technology that builds a brighter, more sustainable future for our customers, colleagues, communities, and the planet. Today, with the publication of our2020/21 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report,我们反思我们的15年可持续发展努力,承认我们取得的进步,并概述了我们如何前金博宝怎么注册进。

As we still face the challenges brought on by the pandemic, we continue to pursue operational excellence across the environmental, social and governance-related aspects of our business.


We remain diligent in our efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change. Today, we’re announcing new energy emission reduction goals that will help to continue minimizing our carbon footprint. Within the next five years, our goal is to source 90 percent of electricity used in global operations from renewable sources and remove one million tons of greenhouse gas emissions from our supply chain.

Lenovo is also exploring our own path to net-zero targets after being selected by the SBTi to road test science-based methodology for achieving net-zero emissions. Last year, after meeting our 2020 emissions reduction targets, we announced new2030 emissions reductions targetsthat received approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). These goals include a 50 percent reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions and a 25 percent decrease in emissions intensity in three areas of our business—products, suppliers, and transportation.

While we track the emissions of our global business, we’re also helping users everywhere decrease their carbon footprint by improving the energy efficiency of our products. By FY 2030, we will achieve 50 percent improvement in energy efficiency of Lenovo desktops and servers and 30 percent improvement in energy efficiency of Lenovo notebooks and Motorola products.


  • 100%的PC产品将包含消费后的再生内容材料;
  • 100 percent of smartphone products and accessories will be free of PVC and BFR;
  • 90 percent of PC products plastic packaging and 60 percent of smartphone packaging will be made from recycled materials;
  • We will have enabled the recycling and reuse of 363 million kilograms of end-of-life products and use 136 million kilograms of post-consumer recycled content plastics in our products.

Driving Social Impact in the Workplace and Beyond

Social impact is critical for any ESG strategy. In FY 2020-2021, we received global accolades around our workplace culture, including赚取完美的分数在人权运动基金会连续第四年的公司平等指数上,被Fast Company评为创新者的最佳工作场所之一,并被公认为是HR亚洲最佳工作场所之一。

寻找未来时,we know it is important继续整合整个公司的多样性和包容性。从我们的执行级中增加代表性不足的少数民族到我们不断增长的Product Diversity Office,我们将我们的全球性作为我们向前发展的最大力量。到2025年,我们将:

  • Grow the global representation of women in executive roles to 27 percent (from 21 percent in 2020)
  • 将美国代表人数不足的少数族裔的行政职务增长到35%(从2020年的29%)
  • 确保联想的75%的产品将由inclusive design experts通过我们的产品多样性办公室,以确保他们为所有人工作,而不论身体属性或能力如何

尽管我们对员工的社会影响负责,但我们知道我们还必须继续回馈所有利益相关者生活和工作的社区。慈善事业是所有人智能技术的核心元素,并且是联想的推动力,尤其是在过去的一年中。在2020财年,我们提供了$15 million in pandemic-related support向教育工作者,社区领导者和慈188bet网址怎么打不开善组织。在我们的一年中Global Month of Servicelast October, Lenovo employees around the world rallied together and led a record-breaking 132 volunteer projects and logged more than 19,000 hours in volunteer service, directly impacting nearly 40,000 individuals around the world. Moving forward, our goal is to create a positive impact on 15 million lives and fully transform one million lives through philanthropic programs and partnerships by FY 2025.
