LGBTQIA+企业家非营利组织从JPMorgan Chase获得Pro Bono扩展咨询

共同的影响伙伴Startout和JPMorgan Chase在Covid-19中进行虚拟志愿服务项目
2020年6月30日3:55 pm

今年年初,LGBTQIA+企业家非营利组织开始摩根大通开始了三个月虚拟志愿服务项目为了制定十年组织的新扩展工作的战略。摩根大通虚拟服务部队team, which included members of the company’s Pride Employee Resource Group, evaluated potential locations and identified the top cities for StartOut to prioritize for expansion, taking into account local small business success rates, social and political environments and the impact of the then emerging COVID-19 pandemic.

