

Thursday, August 13, 2020 - 12:30pm

CAMPAIGN:Dow Sustainability Report 2019


Supply chains are an important link to sustainability and safety at Dow, and technology is increasingly helping to improve resource efficiency, transparency and collaboration.

Dow operates an extensive, integrated global supply chain. Our company procures more than 100 billion pounds of raw material and hydrocarbon feedstock from more than 1,000 suppliers worldwide, and manages about 3 million product shipments to external customers and other Dow locations each year.

“Our vision for a sustainable supply chain goes well beyond the boundaries of ‘greening’ the supply chain,” said Greg Jozwiak, Dow’s vice president of Integrated Supply Chain. “It addresses the fundamental attributes of sustainability, including safety and security, profitability, reliability and resilience, and social and environmental responsibility.”

Using technology to achieve a sustainable supply chain
Across our supply chain, we are utilizing technology in new ways to quantify and improve our safety and sustainability metrics. These include:


Shifting to a low-carbon economy means reducing carbon emissions not only from our direct operations, but that of our supply chain, too. For example, consolidating shipments can save on emissions during transportation. In 2019, we launched an initiative to consolidate smaller shipments to customers and reduce the number of trucks hauling material. Leveraging technology, we implemented a transportation optimization engine to identify when products can be shipped together, while respecting all relevant constraints, including material compatibility, route, temperature requirements and delivery times. In 2019, the program reduced GHG emissions in North America by 4,400 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which is equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 72,755 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. In 2020, we are expanding the program in North America and introducing it in Europe.




通过合作,我们还可以推动可持续的商业实践,同时提高供应链能力和透明度。在印度,我们继续采取倡议,以确保通过实施Nicer Globe(印度化学委员会的一项负责Care®计划)来确保更高的透明度,货物的可见性和紧急响应支持,并使用技术来简化程序并改善程序无纸车检查和集中数据可访问性的效率。例如,我们正在使用技术来通过对驾驶风险进行传感器的评估来帮助管理印度的安全驾驶行为。这包括监视急剧的转弯,突然制动和尾随;并考虑交通模式和不平坦的道路。


这些实践支持陶氏公司的可持续性目标,包括我们金博宝怎么注册“世界领先的行动” 2025可持续发展目标金博宝怎么注册. They also align to our new, multi-decade“protect the climate” targets, which reflect our commitment to accelerate our work with suppliers, customers and value chain partners to ensure Dow’s ecosystem is carbon neutral by 2050.

In addition, a sustainable supply chain enabled by technology also is a key enabler of business growth.
