Logitech承诺去除比创造更多的碳with a Climate Positive Approach

Logitech承诺去除比创造更多的碳with a Climate Positive Approach

All Logitech products and operations will be carbon neutral in 2021
Thursday, September 9, 2021 - 8:00am


瑞士洛桑(Lausanne)和加利福尼亚州纽瓦克(Newark),9月9日,2021年 /3BL媒体 / -Logitech International(六:logn)(NASDAQ:LOGI)今天宣布它正在采用气候积极方法,,,,addressing its carbon footprint across the entire value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3) to achieve carbon neutrality this year and setting the company on a path to net zero by 2030, and beyond that, climate positive. The world needs faster climate action to combat climate change and its impacts. Therefore, Logitech is accelerating its previous commitments in support of the Paris Agreement and RE100 and is committing to remove more carbon than the company creates, shifting to renewable energy sources and investing in restoration programs.

“气候变化是我们这一代最大的挑战之一。然而,降低由人类行动引起的净碳输出水平还不够快 - 我们现在需要做更多的事情来帮助塑造气候积极的未来。” Logitech的首席执行官Bracken Darrell说。“在所有Logitech活动和产品中,我们正在加速我们的气候策略今年是中立的。到2030年,我们将获得零净值,以成为气候积极的最终目标。我们超越了国家在《巴黎协定》中致力于的国家,我们在20年前就做了这项协议,因为这项工作不能等待。”

加快对巴黎协议2050年目标和《联合国气候变化框架公约》的行动,需要扩大气候行动策略。为了使Logitech到2030年的净净零目标以及此后的气候积极的目标,该公司正在采用基于科学的目标采取行动,这些目标支持减少 - 更新 - 恢复策略,以最大程度地降低能源密集型产品和最小化能源密集型产品和activities across the company’s product portfolio, operations, value chain and product lifecycle.


Reduce:Logitech’s commitment toDesign for Sustainability在设计和工程过程的所有阶段都得到了加强,以减少产品的潜在碳足迹,并通过材料,能源效率,包装,生产过程,循环性等方面的创新,在产生之前消除碳的影响。目的还旨在修改和更新现有的产品和流程,以减少现有活动的影响。许多Logitech产品已经转变为使用后消费者再生塑料和可回收包装,以及其他较低的碳选项。


恢复:Adopting a climate positive approach involves a commitment to balance the full scope of emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3). Over the next nine years, Logitech will progressively increase investments in third-party certified, nature-based, renewables and social projects to avoid carbon emissions, as well as remove carbon out of the air. With climate impacts becoming apparent, Logitech recognizes the urgent need to invest in and support forestry conservation, renewable energy infrastructure, new carbon sinks and climate-impacted communities. This year, Logitech is expanding its restoration investments through a multi-year carbon sequestration project in Fangcheng County, Henan Province, China - planting over 40 million trees. Logitech will eliminate more than 1 million tCO2 year-on-year, with our Reduce-Renew-Restore strategy in 2021 alone. Logitech plans to progressively increase investment in projects that capture and remove carbon, to rectify the damage caused over the last century and restore natural environments.

“我们重申了我们对气候行动的承诺,并加速了我们的计划以达到1.5oC goal in support of the Paris Agreement 20 years earlier than anticipated,” states Prakash Arunkundrum, Head of Global Operations and Sustainability. “Science-based reduction targets are driving our momentum and we recognize that business as usual must fundamentally change, to adapt to the changing environment around us. Driving innovation in materials, measurement tools, and technical design processes, as well as collaborating across industries, helps us along our path towards reducing carbon emissions and accelerating towards a decarbonized economy.”

Logitech具有积极影响消费电子行业可持续性的野心,并积极采用创新的环境和社会可持续性方法金博宝怎么注册。除了公司的气候积极方法外,Logitech是第一家承诺提供详细的消费电子公司carbon impact labeling在整个投资组合中的产品包装上。了解有关Logitech所有可持续性计划的更多信息金博宝怎么注册2021年金博宝怎么注册可持续性报告or on thewebsite.


Logitech helps all people pursue their passions by designing experiences so everyone can create, achieve, and enjoy more. Logitech designs and creates products that bring people together through computing, gaming, video, streaming and creating, and music. Brands of Logitech includeLogitech,,,,Logitech g,,,,Astro游戏,,,,Streamlabs,,,,蓝色麦克风,,,,终极耳朵andJaybird。Logitech International成立于1981年,总部位于瑞士洛桑(Lousanne),是一家瑞士上市公司,列在六瑞士交易所(LOGN)和纳斯达克全球选择市场(Logi)上。查找Logitechwww.logitech.com, 这company blogor@Logitech