加入M·A·C化妆品这片明亮的土地- 伦敦萨默塞特宫社区和文化的夏季庆祝活动!188bet网址怎么打不开这个全新的露天节从8月1日开始英石- 29Th并包括快乐的日夜音乐和舞蹈表演,电影放映,演讲,讲习班以及更多的既有创意和基层社区。节日的使命是鼓励不同社区之间的联系和协作,并为创造力和对话提供空间,同时提醒我们所有人的共同点比我们想象的更多。节日景点包括3500万的观察轮;Black Eats LDN的独立,黑人拥有的街头食品市场,与东非,西非,加勒比海,美国和南美美食的混合在一起;品牌弹出窗口等等!
With a long-standing commitment to community and support of the creative arts, M·A·C is thrilled to sponsor THIS BRIGHT LAND’s Clubhouse Experience, where world-famous M·A·C Artists share tips and tricks for the hottest new makeup looks and provide a host of new, free makeup services! The Clubhouse is open every day of the festival, and features hands-on workshops, makeup masterclasses and “In Conversation” events, all free to attendees and available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Clubhouse itself is a futuristic space designed by Automated Architecture, with a wall of beauty stations emblazoned with the brand’s mantra, “All Ages, All Races, All Genders” surrounded by a cozy lounge which serves as the perfect place for visitors to relax and unwind in-between festival activities.