MacGillivray Freeman电影与美国品牌联合出现了终极冒险纪录片纪录片“国家公园冒险”,由AcademyAwarding®获奖者Robert Redford讲述

MacGillivray Freeman电影与美国品牌联合出现了终极冒险纪录片纪录片“国家公园冒险”,由AcademyAwarding®获奖者Robert Redford讲述


美国斯巴鲁(Subaru of America)与麦吉利夫里·弗里曼(MacGillivray Freeman)的电影和美国品牌合作,拍摄了巨大的屏幕电影《国家公园冒险》。照片由MacGillivray Freeman电影提供。

2016年2月4日,星期四 - 上午8:20



加利福尼亚州拉古纳海滩 / 3BL媒体 / - 2016年2月4日 -MacGillivray Freeman的IMAX®和巨大屏幕剧院的新冒险纪录片,“NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE,”2月12日星期五在全球开放Th随着秋季的推出扩展。这部电影与美国品牌,,,,The nation’s destination marketing organization,和presented globally byExpedia,Inc。美国斯巴鲁公司巨型圆顶剧院财团,,,,takes audiences on the ultimate off-trail adventure into the nation's awe-inspiring great outdoors and untamed wilderness.

Moviegoers will soar over red rock canyons, hurtle down steep mountain peaks and explore other-worldly realms found within America’s most legendary outdoor places in what is both an action-packed celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the National Park Service and a soulful reflection on what wilderness means to us all.

“’’NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE’捕捉我们野外的美丽之美,并提醒我们这些风景是人类精神的重要组成部分,®优胜者罗伯特·雷德福

在掌舵NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE”is two-time Academy Award®- 主导的导演格雷格·麦吉利夫里(Greg MacGillivray)(The Living Sea, Dolphins, Everest)和他的电影制片人团队,他们将传奇的巨型屏幕讲故事带到了地球上一些最非凡的地点。

董事说:“我们国家有400多个国家公园和历史遗址,许多家庭无法探索。”Greg MacGillivray。“我们的希望是NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE’will encourage our audiences to discover the beauty and sanctuary of these American treasures—and inspire them to go out and explore them on their own.”

"The national parks are major draws for international travelers and our giant-screen film is an ideal vehicle for conveying that appeal,” said Chris Thompson, Brand USA’s president and CEO. “As we continue to highlight the great outdoors in our global promotional efforts, we look forward to successful screenings of the film playing at hundreds of venues around the world.”

在全国30多个国家公园中拍摄”NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE”follows world-class mountaineer and national parks ambassador Conrad Anker, adventure photographer Max Lowe and artist Rachel Pohl as they hike, climb and explore their way across America’s spectacular wilderness—places like Yellowstone, Glacier National Park, Yosemite, Grand Tetons and Arches – revealing a tapestry of natural wonders that will inspire the adventurer in all of us. Captured with the highest-quality Solido IMAX 3D cameras and shown in full glory in giant screen theatres, “NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE”庆祝我们国家公园的威严和珍贵的景观,并强调了在接下来的100年中保护它们的重要性。

“我们相信美国国家公园的变革力量激发旅行和发现,我们很荣幸能够提供支持并提高认识作为第一个全球赞助商和exclusive online travel activation partner of this film, as well as a long-standing partner of Brand USA and the US Travel Association,” said Noah Tratt, global senior vice president of Expedia Media Solutions. “We also created an easy way for travelers to book their next trip to explore all that our national parks have to offer。”


“如果没有我们在美国品牌,Expedia和斯巴鲁的合作伙伴的支持,这部电影是不可能的,他们分享了激励世界各地的人们到达那里并探索世界的奉献精神。”Shaun MacGillivray,,,,producer of “NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE”MacGillivray Freeman电影总裁。“他们的支持和参与使这部电影栩栩如生,我们期待着令人难忘的电影体验,这将使美国庞大而珍贵的荒野成为全球观众。”

美国品牌will host the film’s World Premiere at theSamuel C. Johnson IMAX Theater在里面史密森尼国家自然历史博物馆2月10日星期三Th。美国品牌executives, filmmakers, government officials, and Park Service executives will be in attendance to celebrate the premiere of this film and commemorate the Centennial anniversary of the National Park Service. Additionally, there will be festivities on behalf of the film held both domestically and in international markets such as London, Mexico City, Tokyo and Beijing to mark the opening of the film around the world.

“国家公园冒险”will be released in more than 100 theaters across the country and around the world beginning February 12, 2016 through Fall 2016.


About National Parks Adventure
由奥斯卡金像奖获奖者罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)讲述“国家公园冒险”is a MacGillivray Freeman film produced in association with Brand USA and presented globally by Expedia, Inc. and Subaru of America, Inc. with major support from the Giant Dome Theater Consortium. The film is sponsored domestically by REI, Sierra Club andSunset沿海生活magazines. “NATIONAL PARKS ADVENTURE”由Greg MacGillivray执导(The Living Sea, Dolphins, Everest) and produced by Shaun MacGillivray (到北极,大峡谷冒险). Filmed with IMAX 3D cameras,国家公园冒险由斯蒂芬·贾德森(Stephen Judson)撰写(Everest, To The Arctic)和蒂姆·卡希尔(Tim Cahill)(Everest)史蒂夫·伍德(Steve Wood)的乐谱(Journey to the South Pacific, To the Arctic).

About MacGillivray Freeman Films
MacGillivray Freeman Films是世界上最重要的独立制片人和巨型屏幕70mm电影的发行人,以及38部IMAX和Giant-Screen剧院的电影。在整个公司的50年历史中,其电影赢得了许多国际奖项,包括两个奥斯卡奖®提名和三部电影入选IMAX名人堂。MacGillivray Freeman的电影以其艺术和庆祝科学和自然世界而闻名。这是第一家获得全球票房十亿美元基准的纪录片公司。有关公司的更多信息,请访问

美国品牌,,,,The destination marketing organization for the United States, was established by the Travel Promotion Act to spearhead the nation's first global marketing effort to promote the United States as a premier travel destination and to communicate U.S. entry/exit policies and procedures to worldwide travelers. With a mission of increasing incremental visitation, spend and market share of international travelers to the United States, Brand USA works in close partnership with more than 500 partners to maximize the economic and social benefits of travel. These benefits include fueling the nation’s economy and fostering understanding between people and cultures. Through its call-to-action — Visit The USA — Brand USA inspires travelers to explore the United States of America’s boundless possibilities.


About Expedia, Inc.

For corporate and industry news and views, visit us atwww.expediainc.com或在Twitter @Expediainc上关注我们。

商标和徽标是其各自所有者的财产。©2016 Expedia,Inc。保留所有权利。CST:2029030-50


Subaru of America, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. of Japan. Headquartered at a zero-landfill office in Cherry Hill, N.J., the company markets and distributes Subaru vehicles, parts, and accessories through a network of more than 620 retailers across the United States. All Subaru products are manufactured in zero-landfill production plants, and Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. is the only U.S. automobile production plant to be designated a backyard wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. To learn more about what Subaru is doing with the National Parks,

The Giant Dome Theater Consortium (GDTC) incorporated in 2010 to foster educational film production for the most unique theaters in the world. The GDTC facilitates film production through financial support, and encourages the use of technical standards that maximize the experiential impact of the giant dome screen. Member institutions of the GDTC are Cincinnati Museum Center; Discovery Place, Inc., Charlotte; Museum of Science, Boston; Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago; Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, San Diego; Science Museum of Minnesota and the St. Louis Science Center.

MacGillivray Freeman电影
Lori Rick

Boutique Publicity
Risa Chapnick和Ariana Swan
