


由辛西娅·图格(Cynthia Figge)

如果领先的全球技术公司的主要技术官将注意力转移到解决气候变化上怎么办?这正是他们在几周前在西雅图举行的Fireglobal会议上所做的,我参加了这些技术人员中的几个技术人员谈到了“地球面临的最关键问题 - 气候灾难”。显然,这些是科学家,而不是营销人员对消费者喜欢听到气候变化的敏感(请不要可怕的新闻)。

Several years ago Mark Anderson, CEO and founder of The Strategic News Service (SNS), challenged CTOs at the SNS Future in Review Conference (FiRe), described by The Economist as “The best technology conference in the world,” to join in tackling the country’s most challenging design problems. Within the CTO Challenge framework, a group took on the problem of “Avoiding Climate Catastrophe.”

安德森(Anderson)是第一个提供一个平台来解决可持续性与技术与全球趋势之间关系的平台之一,作为SNS Fire的顾问,我在Fire中主持了八年的可持续性对话。金博宝怎么注册

Larry Smarr, Founding Director of the Calit2 Lab at UCSD/ UCSD/Irvine (the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology) moderated the CTO panel at FiReGlobal. Smarr is a mathematician, physicist, and computer scientist. He is not a “sustainability” advocate. So when Smarr speaks, I listen anew.

他说:“我们知道我们需要知道的是什么,”数据和模型现在更加精致。Smarr在过去800,000年中显示了大气二氧化碳水平的图表,该图表不超过300 ppm(二氧化碳浓度)。今天,我们以388 ppm的速度。2100后刺后协议-MIT模型预测700-800 ppm。See the full report here

. In order to limit CO2 to 450 ppm “we have to peak four years from now,” Smarr says. “We have to de-carbonize over the next 50 years.”要快速减少年度二氧化碳排放,我们必须在2015年达到顶峰,到2050年的排放量为50%,80%降至2100。

我们如何实现这种情况?采用更多清洁能源。多很多。下图说明了我们目前采用清洁能源水平与将CO2限制为450 ppm所需的水平之间的对比 - 2100 Ramanathan和Xu and International Energy Association(IEA)蓝色方案。

The IEA, an agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, does the most detailed analysis of energy demand in the world. Their projections show we will double energy use by 2050. The question is, what fraction of this energy will be non-carbon?

在企业界已经有一些去碳化的运动。斯马尔(Smarr)提到,一群首席执行官成立了美国能源创新委员会,将美国转变为非碳能源。该小组包括前首席执行官,洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)的诺曼·奥古斯丁康明斯引擎首席执行官GE和蒂姆·索尔索(Tim Solso)。

The panel agreed that the incentive for consumers is information, an idea that has been a key impetus behind the founding of my new venture CSRHUB. Site visitors can see the Environmental performance of over 5,000 publicly traded companies worldwide, and CSRHUB subscribers can see these 5,000+ companies’ performance on Energy and Climate Change.

“Getting the world to low carbon is what really matters. Engagement is the most critical thing, not technology. I’m not a diplomat, I’m a scientist,” Smarr said. “In the 50s we used to litter and throw things out the window. We don’t do this anymore. Now we dump CO2 out the window. If the government sets the rules of the game, the private sector can respond.”



