Media Impact Empowers Indigenous Voices

Aug 9, 2012 10:30 PM ET

(3BL媒体)2012年8月9日 - 今天标志着International Day of the World Indigenous Peoplesand this year’s theme "Indigenous media: empowering the indigenous voices" is particularly important to PCI-Media Impact (“Media Impact”).

一次又一次,我们的工作利用娱乐教育的力量来激发相关的社会变革,并提醒我们讲述自己的故事是多么不可或缺的。一个边缘化的群体,无法传播其故事,将被其余的社会误解。此外,缺乏获得关键的社会和环境信息会影响社区的健康和生计。188bet网址怎么打不开我们的许多计划都致力于扩大这些声音,并为世界各地土著人民面临的问题带来批判性的认识。得益于我们的捐助者和合作伙伴的慷慨支持,自27年前我们成立以来,我们就与世界各地的许多土著社区合作。墨西哥国恰帕斯国是世界上第一个将其纳入其州宪法的联合国千年发展目标(MDGS),并将其授权重点放在特定的社区发展计划上。188bet网址怎么打不开Mucho Corazón(A Lot of Heart), a television drama that began broadcast in January (currently being dubbed into Tzotzil), works to spread the word about the MDGs and the importance of sustainable development, gender equity and respect for indigenous peoples by weaving information into a dramatic storyline. In Peru,我的社188bet网址怎么打不开区,我的水:我们水的故事,a national radio drama which is complemented by local radio talk shows, addresses sanitation, hygiene and water resource management issues. The complexity of the story of Peruvian water stress starts with the geographic diversity of the country. To put it simply, 60% of households in rural areas don’t have access to piped water and the quality of this water is deteriorating quickly. In 2006, the Peruvian government found that most Indigenous People living along the river Corrientes had unhealthy levels of lead in their blood and 95% exceeded the healthy limit for cadmium. A nation-wide radio drama, which is set to begin airing in 2012,The Story of Our Waterweaves together relevant information about water protection in a compelling story. In addition, radio dramas will be produced in Quechua, targeting specific needs of indigenous communities in the Peruvian highlands. First beginning in 2010,Ciudad Espesa – Voces Nuestras(Dark City – Our Voices) is a nationwide program which focuses on enhancing the access of Indigenous Bolivian citizens to independent media. With a strengthened ability to broadcast high-quality independent programming in Quechua and Aymaralanguages, the aim is to increase understanding of media freedom, democracy and civic participation among Indigenous Peoples. The issues facing Indigenous Peoples are complex and interconnected; they require a multifaceted approach that treats the causes and does not just center on the symptoms. Media Impact’s methodology, My Community, isn’t bound to a single thematic focus, but allows multiple issues to be addressed within the same program. It works with coalition of local leaders to develop their capacity to produce a successful communications-based campaign. By engaging and informing the local community, the program encourages crucial behavioral changes by improving knowledge and attitudes surrounding the issues.关于媒体影响:媒体影响是社会变革的娱乐教育和沟通的领导者。25多年来,我们一直授权全世界的社区通过创造性的讲故事来激发持久的变化。利用我们独特的社区方法论,我们与个人和组188bet网址怎么打不开织的联盟进行串行戏剧,互动式脱口秀节目和社区行动运动,以解决对其社区重要的问题。与世界各地的合作伙伴合作,我们制作了3,000多集80部电视和广播制作。在40多个国家 /地区,这些计划共同吸引了十亿多人。我们的计划提高了知识,改变态度并激发了我们时代最紧迫的问题的行为改变,包括青年和妇女赋权,艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防,可持续发展,计划生育,生殖健康,保护和人权与民主和民主。目前,媒体影响力在整个拉丁美洲,加勒比海,北美,非洲和亚洲的30多个国家 /地区工作。有关更多信息,请联系:Alex J. Cottin,Communications&Program Manager / PCI Media Impact;手机:+1(646-326-8377) /