

“When thinking about our vision for a world with zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion, it really energizes me because I know I’m working toward a vision that is truly resonating with a lot of people here at GM, in the industry and around the globe,” said Jesse Ortega, chief engineer at General Motors.

“When thinking about our vision for a world with zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion, it really energizes me because I know I’m working toward a vision that is truly resonating with a lot of people here at GM, in the industry and around the globe,” said Jesse Ortega, chief engineer at General Motors.

2020年2月19日,星期三 - 下午3:00



This National Engineers Week, GM celebrates the employees who continue to innovate and push the company closer toward its vision of Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion.

“吸引您进入工程的一件事是学习和着迷新的东西,”通用汽车公司的首席工程师杰西·奥尔特加(Jesse Ortega)说。


“The concept of electric vehicles – plugging in a vehicle and never having to go to a gas station – is captivating,” said Ortega. “It’s like when we put people in a capsule and sent them to the moon…how did they do that? How did that work? That was my draw to working on electric vehicles.”

与传统燃烧发动机车辆的策略类似,桥接设计和工程对于提供新的电动汽车产品至关重要。设计电动汽车时,由于没有发动机,变速箱,动力驱动器,排气或燃油箱,因此具有令人难以置信的自由度 - 为造型和设计创造了更多的空间和灵活性。


设计人们想要开车的电动汽车是增加道路上电动汽车数量的另一个关键组成部分。“我们的目标不仅是制造其中之一。这是要制造成千上万的人,因此我们需要确保它们满足所有客户的需求,并且该方法可扩展到大众生产。” Ortega说。

通用汽车工程团队利用其旗舰电力产品(Chevrolet Bolt EV)的见解,将其宽敞的价值,安静的性能和力量理解为未来产品开发的关键因素。这些相同的品质不仅受到美国客户的尊敬,而且受到加拿大,墨西哥,巴西和中东的雪佛兰Bolt EV所有者的尊敬。


“When thinking about our vision for a world with Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions and Zero Congestion, it really energizes me because I know I’m working toward a vision that is truly resonating with a lot of people here at GM, in the industry, and around the globe,” said Ortega.




珍妮弗·科勒(Jennifer Korail)
General Motors
类别: 创新与技术