Minnesota State Lawmakers Must Act Now or Risk Losing Billions in Federal Infrastructure Funds

Minnesota State Lawmakers Must Act Now or Risk Losing Billions in Federal Infrastructure Funds



活动:State Policy


June 3, 2022 /3BL Media/ - With Minnesota at severe risk of losing out on billions of federal dollars from the federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA), the corporate sustainability organization Ceres is calling on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to convene a special legislative session to access those needed funds.

“明尼苏达州的商业界长期以来一直主张增加基础设施188bet网址怎么打不开支出,以增加州的经济,并应对运输,能源,水和宽带系统面临的一些最大的挑战。两党基础设施​​法最终使明尼苏达州有机会解决这些需求,但前提是国家最大化这一历史性机会。”Deana Dennis, senior manager, state policy, Ceres。“Companies and investors want to see these federal funds put to work to harness both the short- and long-term economic benefits of investment — whether it’s repairing crumbling roads, reducing energy waste with efficiency upgrades, or building out the electric vehicle charging network of the future. State lawmakers owe it to their constituents to hold a special session to approve the state funds required to unlock these federal investments and build a resilient, sustainable, and competitive economy across Minnesota.”

State lawmakers left Saint Paul at the end of this year’s legislative session without authorizing the state funds required to unlock much larger sums of federal funding from IIJA, which was passed by Congress and signed by President Biden last year. Failing to approve these funds will limit the state’s access to the federal money — delaying important projects and potentially missing a key opportunity to rebuild Minnesota’s roads, improve its public transit, install an electric vehicle charging network, clean the state’s water, and advance other critical initiatives.



现在,公司正在努力确保各州以最有效的方式使用资金。例如,在5月,数十个贸易集团,公司和其他能源行业利益相关者,包括在明尼苏达州的几名运营或员工,例如Ameresco,Ikea和Franklin Energy,wrote to governors in several statesurging them to use funding from the law and other federal sources to advance energy efficiency initiatives. These initiatives help companies and residents save money, improve public health outcomes, create jobs, and reduce pollution that hurts communities and fuels the climate crisis.


CERES是一个非营利组织,与最有影响力的资本市场领导者合作,以解决世界上最大的可持续发展挑战。金博宝怎么注册通过我们强大的网络以及投资者,公司和非营利组织的全球合作,我们推动行动,并激发整个经济中基于公平的市场和政策解决方案,以建立公正和可持续的未来。有关更多信息,请访问ceres.organd follow @CeresNews.

类别: 绿色基础设施