- 在范围1、2和3范围内提交零排放目标
- 将在未来两年内建立近期减总目标基于科学的目标倡议(SBTI)“Business Ambition for 1.5°C Pledge”
- Marks bold step forward in ambition to build a more sustainable snacking company
芝加哥,2021年11月1日 / 3BL Media /-MondelēzInternational,Inc。(纳斯达克股票代码:MDLZ)今天宣布,它将承诺在其全价值链中实现2050年净零温室气体排放的目标。作为其承诺的一部分,MondelēzInternational已签署基于科学的目标倡议对1.5°C的业务抱负,使其长期减轻目标的态度与雄心勃勃的目标限制了根据《巴黎协定》限制温度升高的目标。MondelēzInternational也加入了United Nations Race to Zero Campaign帮助建立脱碳经济的动力。这些承诺标志着MondelēzInternational的可持续性差异化方法迈出了大胆的一步,这有助于推动持久的进步,并为企业及其利益相关者创造长期价值。金博宝怎么注册
“For the last several years, we’ve worked with the Science Based Targets initiative to reduce our emissions footprint and our announcement today will help accelerate our existing efforts to create a more sustainable snacking company,” said Dirk Van de Put, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “We’re transforming how we do business across our operations and with the suppliers and farmers we work with – from seeking to improve cocoa farming practices in West Africa to promoting regenerative agriculture in wheat fields in the Midwest United States.”
- Source 100% cocoa volume for chocolate brands through Cocoa Life Program by 2025
- 来源到2022年通过和谐计划的欧盟饼干100%小麦量
- Design 100% of packaging to be recycle ready by 2025
- Reduce overall virgin plastic use by 5% and reduce overall virgin rigid plastic by 25% by 20253
- 继续将全球制造的电力足迹转换为可再生能源
- 将食品浪费减少15%,到2025年将食物浪费减少50%4
- 致力于实现饼干烤箱和蒸汽锅炉的能源效率
- 开始用“绿色”替代品代替热燃料(例如天然气,柴油,汽油)
- Invest in new mobility concepts including electric and hydrogen trucks
- 通过转换为可再生能源,减少拥有和第三方设施的仓库排放
- 通过优化路线,改善卡车和容器利用率,增加联运解决方案并降低旅行距离,提高分销网络的效率
副总裁兼全球影响力与可持续性负责人克里斯·麦格拉思(Chris McGrath)表示:“尽管我们已经取得了重大进展,但净零之路将需要对我们的业务以及跨行业,部门和景观的全球合作进行进一步转变。”金博宝怎么注册“我们将继续专注于利用经过验证的模型和可用解决方案,同时使用我们的规模和影响力来帮助推动技术进步,公私协作和投资以孵化创新。”
- 通过可可生活计划采购的巧克力品牌的可可量的68%
- 99%的棕榈油来自供应商,与该公司的2020年棕榈油动作计划保持一致
- 制造公司的CO2E减少了24%,超过15%的目标
- 优先用水量减少33%,超过10%的目标
- 制造业的总废物减少了31%,超过20%的目标
MondelēzInternational,Inc。(NASDAQ:MDLZ)赋予人们在全球150多个国家 /地区的零食。MDLZ的净收入约为270亿美元,领先于标志性的全球和本地品牌的零食,例如奥利奥,,,,Belvita和鲁饼干;吉百利奶牛奶,,,,Milka和Toblerone巧克力;Sour Patch Kids糖果和三叉戟胶。MondelēzInternational是标准和穷人500,纳斯达克100和道琼斯可持续发展指数的骄傲成员。金博宝怎么注册访问www.mondelezinternational.com或在Twitter上关注公司。
Forward-Looking Statements
此新闻稿包含前瞻性语句。单词和单词的变化,例如“意志”,“可能”,“期望”,“打算”,“计划”,“承诺”,“目标”和类似的表达方式,旨在识别这些前瞻性陈述,包括,,,,but not limited to, statements about transformation of Mondelēz International’s business and creation of long-term value for Mondelēz International’s business and its stakeholders; Mondelēz International’s target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions; Mondelēz International’s efforts to create a more sustainable snacking company; and Mondelēz International’s other environmental, social and governance strategies, goals, targets and initiatives. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond Mondelēz International’s control, which could cause Mondelēz International’s actual results to differ materially from those indicated in Mondelēz International’s forward-looking statements. Please also see Mondelēz International’s risk factors, as they may be amended from time to time, set forth in its filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including its most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K. Mondelēz International disclaims and does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement in this press release, except as required by applicable law or regulation. In addition, historical, current and forward-looking sustainability-related statements may be based on standards for measuring progress that are still developing, internal controls and processes that continue to evolve, and assumptions that are subject to change in the future. The information included in, and any issues identified as material for purposes of, this document may not be considered material for SEC reporting purposes. In the context of this disclosure, the term “material” is distinct from, and should not be confused with, such term as defined for SEC reporting purposes.
2Sustainably sourcing principles found atCocoaLife.org和
3Baseline 2020 and assuming constant portfolio mix
4Baseline 2018
5Sustainable sourcing defined atCocoaLife.org和
Shep Dunlap(投资者)