



有一个新的奖项中等待你的麦片盒选择更多的谷物在新俱乐部商店零售商- 10%,更多的环境可持续包装。

美国最具标志性的麦片品牌已经确定了一种给消费者更多的谷物,在包装。如何?通用磨坊是第一个主要谷物公司给市场带来新技术,包麦片更密集,每袋更充分地填满谷物,莉斯马勒,营销经理帮助启动包装技术,在俱乐部商店市场。使用专有的方法,技术解决了麦片盒子里虽然是在生产线上。此前,沉降发生在一辆卡车在麦片盒在运输途中。“解决谷物在线允许我们最大化的谷物量可以涌入每个箱子,”莉斯说。“我们让空气空间更少,和更多的谷物。“利兹说,因为谷类是收紧横亘在每一个盒子,麦片是能够减少包装的尺寸,节省每年超过200000磅的纸板。以前作为一个额外的大盒麦片出售在山姆会员店,Costco仓库和BJ批发现在正在出售吗两个盒子连接在一起。除了最小化麦片的足迹对环境,重新设计盒子离开一个较小的足迹在俱乐部商店购物站。消费者可以把两个盒子分开,留下更大的灵活性和空间——厨房存储和服务选项。“俱乐部商店顾客欣赏,我们取得了一个大型的产品更容易存储和倒,”莉斯说。“这个项目是一个赢得消费者和环境。这是一个伟大的组合。“拟合多谷物成更小的盒子也意味着更多的盒子可以装上每个卡车向零售商提供产品。“我们减少交通足迹,因为我们需要减少10%的卡车运输同样体积的产品,”她说。节省了超过25000加仑的燃料,减少了公司的每年220吨的碳排放量。作为一个点的比较,需要近5700棵树删除相同的相当于大气中的二氧化碳排放。 Using environmentally sustainable packaging isn’t new to General Mills. In fact, the company has been using recycled paperboard since the 1930s. And the company remains one of the largest users of such post-consumer recycled packaging. General Mills announced a new packaging metric last year for the next evolution of General Mills’ commitment to sustainable packaging. By 2015, the company aims to have 40 percent of its global product volume sold in packaging that has been improved over the base year of fiscal 2009. General Mills is using four key indicators to assess improvements: packaging weight, recycled content, renewable content and truck efficiency optimization. In addition to the new Cheerios two-box design, several other General Mills brands are helping build momentum for the packaging metric. For example, Nature Valley trimmed the size of its Chewy granola bar cartons – while maintaining the same size of the granola bar. The change will save 6.2 million pounds of paperboard each year. And the company began using lighter plastic in the icing cups for our Pillsbury Grands! Sweet Rolls, saving an estimated 600,000 pounds of plastic per year. General Mills’ new cereal packaging technology was launched in the club store channel earlier this month.编者按:有关可持续性在通用磨坊的更多信息,请访问金博宝怎么注册GeneralMills.com 希拉Kley通用磨坊公司公共关系经理,总部设在明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州。她负责公共关系的项目可持续性和供应链。金博宝怎么注册她开始她的职业生涯在2011年通用磨坊。GENM21373