

Two New Playgrounds Constructed Today Will Provide 1,400 Children With Safe Play Area
Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 9:00am

CONTENT: Press Release

NEW YORK, June 18, 2015 /3BL Media/ – Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) today announced the construction of two new playgrounds in Newark, NJ, and Oakland, CA, as part of its摩根士丹利健康城市initiative. Over the past year, this innovative program has linked local nonprofit organizations that provide crucial wellness, nutrition and play services to give kids a healthy start in life. The initiatives in Newark and Oakland have reached 12,730 households in need, providing children and their families with 307,892 pounds of nutritious food, 1,025 health screenings and safe play spaces for 2,000 kids.

“摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)和我们的员工志愿者在过去一年中通过健康城市回馈纽瓦克(Newark)和奥克兰(Oakland)社区,我们很高兴通过建立这些其他新的游乐场来继续这一承诺,”全球负责人琼·斯坦伯格(Joan Steinberg)说。摩根士丹利的慈善事业。“该计划与喂养美国,Kaboom!和当地非营利组织合作,有助于建立更完整的关键健康,保健和游戏服务网络,这有助于使孩子们的生活健康开始。”188bet上不了

在partnership with KaBOOM!, a national nonprofit dedicated to bringing balanced and active play into the daily lives of all children, Morgan Stanley volunteers today built new play spaces at KIPP New Jersey, a school located at 103 Bragaw Avenue in Newark and Aspire Berkley Maynard Academy at 6200 San Pablo Avenue in Oakland. The design of each playground is based on children’s drawings created at a special design day event earlier this year. Together, these two playgrounds will provide over 1,400 children and their families with a safe play area.

摩根士丹利健康城市partnered with Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, and KaBOOM! to assist in implementing important children’s health programming in each city. To ensure programming was tailored to each community, Morgan Stanley also collaborated with local nonprofit organizations to leverage their existing offerings while working with them to expand their programs and develop an integrated network that can better serve the community.

Oakland,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)与阿拉米达县社区食品银行(Alameda County Commun188bet网址怎么打不开ity Food Bank)和LA Clinica紧密合作,以增强和改善为当地儿童提供营养教育,健康食品和健康筛查的节目。在Newark, key partners in the Healthy Cities programming included the Community Food Bank of New Jersey, America’s Grow-a-Row, and Children’s Hospital of New Jersey at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center. View more on these programs in the videos这里.

“The Healthy Cities program has been an excellent extension of the support Morgan Stanley has shown for the fight against hunger for years,” said Matt Knott, president of Feeding America. “Working closely with our member food banks in Newark and Oakland and partnering with other providers of crucial services, this program has amplified the impact we can have in our communities, and we are excited to continue to see how this new linked network of programming can improve the overall health of underserved children.”

“KaBOOM! is honored to be a partner that delivers on one of the pillars of the Healthy Cities program,” said Sally McConnell, Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer, KaBOOM!. “Integrating the benefits of play to children with the health and nutrition components of the Healthy Cities initiatives provides stronger, more comprehensive programming that strengthens our communities for those that matter most – our kids.”

摩根士丹利健康城市于2014年在伊利诺伊州芝加哥推出;新泽西州纽瓦克;和加利福尼亚州奥克兰。2015年,该计划扩展到伦敦,下半年将宣布其他城市。有关健康城市的更多信息,请访问www.morganstanley.com/healthycities/and follow #HealthyCities on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

摩根士丹利is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. With offices in more than 43 countries, the Firm's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals. For further information about Morgan Stanley, please visitwww.morganstanley.com.


丹·马奥尼(Dan Mahoney)
+1 (212) 761-2645