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2014年1月7日,星期二 - 上午10:00

CONTENT: Press Release

New York, January 7, 2014 /3BL Media/ – The Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and INSEAD today announced a call for applicants for the Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge, the preeminent global competition for students at business schools and other graduate programs to create market-based solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges. The Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge succeeds and builds upon the former International Impact Investing Challenge, intensifying the focus on the potential for scalable, market-rate solutions.


Teams from business schools and other graduate programs around the world are invited to submit a two-page prospectus starting on February 3, 2014 and no later than February 25, 2014. Ten finalists will present their proposals to a panel of judges at Morgan Stanley’s New York City headquarters. For guidelines, judging criteria and prize information, visitwww.sustainableinableinvestingchallenge.org.

摩根士丹利employees will lend their expertise to the Challenge participants by serving as judges and mentors and will advise finalist teams on the development of their ideas.

摩根士丹利可持续投资研究所董事总经理兼首席执行官奥黛丽·崔(Audrey Choi)说:“我们可以通过利用财务工具来应对全球挑战,使私人资本成为越来越强大的可持续性力量。金博宝怎么注册摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的可持续投资挑战旨在加快这一过程,确定并认识到经济上可行且可扩展的思想。为了符合摩根士丹利可持续投资研究所的目标,挑战还旨在培养下一代的可持续投资从业人员,建立真正进步所需的知识和专业能力,以应对我们这个时代的主要挑战。”

“凯洛格(Kellogg)在2011年发起了挑战,以解决对金融产品的日益增长的需求,这些金融产品符合社会利益和财务回报的双重任务,” Equilibrium Capital Group的负责人,挑战的联合创始人戴维·陈(David Chen)说,金融集团的负责人,财务讲师凯洛格学校。“我们很高兴摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)加入我们,重新启动这场比赛,因为摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的可持续投资挑战赛,以帮助率领这个新兴领域的越来越多的主流化。”

Christine Driscoll Goulay, Associate Director of the INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Initiative adds that “the Challenge is unique in that it provides an opportunity for students, professionals and investors in the sustainable investment space to work together on concrete, results-oriented ideas that help drive the field forward. It is inspiring to see the strength of the submitted proposals as well as the powerful connections that are made during the process. INSEAD recognizes the importance of sustainable investment and is proud to be an academic partner of the Challenge.”

摩根士丹利的可持续投资挑战也得到了约翰·D·凯瑟琳·T·麦克阿瑟基金会的支持。均衡资本集团;Breckinridge Capital;米尔肯研究所;水资源管理;以及Carol&Larry Levy社会创业实验室。


Facebook: Facebook.com/sustainableinvestingchallenge

Twitter: @SI_Challenge


作为一家领先的全球金融服务公司,提供了广泛的投资银行,证券,188bet上不了投资管理和财富管理服务,摩根士丹利致力于动员资本市场的权力,以实现可持续性 - 对于客户,社区和利益相关者。金博宝怎么注册摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的可持续投资研究所于2013年11月启动,旨在动员资本来应对应对全球挑战。该研究所将其工作集中在人们的信念上,即私营部门资本可以在推动大规模解决方案方面发挥关键作用,以应对广泛的繁荣和福祉面临最关键的挑战。有关摩根士丹利可持续投资研究所的更多信息,请访问http://www.morganstanley.com/sustainableinvesting

关于the Kellogg School of Management





In addition to INSEAD’s programs on three campuses, INSEAD participates in academic partnerships with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia & San Francisco); the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University near Chicago, and Johns Hopkins University/SAIS in Washington DC. In Asia, INSEAD partners with Tsinghua University in Beijing and CEIBS (China Europe International Business School). INSEAD is a founding partner in the multidisciplinary Sorbonne University created in 2012, and also partners with Fundação Dom Cabral in Brazil.

Inseadbecame a pioneer of international business education with the opening of the Fontainebleau campus in Europe in 1960. In 2000, INSEAD opened an Asia campus in Singapore. And in 2007 the school began an association in the Middle East, officially opening the Abu Dhabi campus in 2010.

Around the world and over the decades, INSEAD continues to conduct cutting edge research and to innovate across all our programs to provide business leaders with the knowledge and sensitivity to operate anywhere. These core values have enabled INSEAD to become truly "The Business School for the World." For more information about INSEAD, visithttp://www.insead.edu


Lauren Bellmare




Jeffrey Brennan

Kellogg School of Management



Sophie Badre


Office: +33 1 60 72 45 26
