默里山(Murray Hill)有科学和赃物

默里山(Murray Hill)有科学和赃物

这是正确的。根据其中一位加入默里山(Murray Hill)的女儿和儿子上班日(TODSWD)活动的十几岁的青少年,我们确实有赃物。

Multimedia from this Release

Monday, May 12, 2014 - 9:25am


CONTENT: Article

As I sat through the media session given to the children that day, they were asked to pick a subject for a story and explain the topic. Then they were asked to create a title for that story. A young lady in the session chose “Take Your Child to Work Day in Murray Hill” as her topic. Interestingly enough her heading “Murray Hill has Swag” captured our attention in the room and became the basis for the title of this story. This was a clear example of lessons learned and there were many more taking place that day in Murray.



2014年4月24日,超过400名儿童汇聚在默里山(Murray Hill),度过了充满乐趣的学习和兴奋的日子,以代替学校的“典型”一天。总共有21个节目,旨在让我们的孩子们对电信,科学,可持续性等世界的世界睁开眼睛,日程安排完全挤满了人,整天都非常忙。金博宝怎么注册孩子们可以利用他们想要的尽可能多的计划,或者他们只能拖延父母来了解正常工作日的样子。从事物的外观来看,还有更多的孩子参加。这要归功于员工志愿者抽出时间设计和安排节目,协调活动,注册孩子并护送他们参加活动……这一天的日子无瑕!


The Programs



A Special Highlight

At the end of the day, came one of the biggest highlights. In our ranks is a hidden talent, that even the employees were surprised and amazed about. His name is Pat Povilaitis and he is known professionally as “The Human Vise”. An Alcatel-Lucent Project Component Engineer by day and an “Old Time Strongman” by night, he is considered one of the best in the world and holds a number of world records in steel bending, horseshoe bending, stone lifting, and more. He has even been featured on The History Channel, on a show called “Stan Lee’s Superhumans”. Pat demonstrated his super human feats for the audience and we winced and yelped as we watched him bend metal on his neck, rip apart a telephone book and break a bat over his head. Although watching these feats were extremely entertaining, Pat had a much deeper message for the audience. It was all about challenging yourself to go above and beyond and to use your mind to its fullest extent.

“您的思想和对自己的信念是世界上最强大的工具。我相信我是这一说法的证明。选择自己的目标,运用您的所有努力和积极的能量,您将获得伟大”….. Pat povilaitis。

As I watched how the children partcipated wholeheartedly in all the events and with their eyes wide open, I’m sure that the seeds planted that day will turn out some of our future scientists, engineers, and marketing and communication managers. When asked what they liked the best that day, the children found it hard to pinpoint just one program and couldn’t wait to see what was in store for the rest of the day!

Special Thanks

感谢所有使这一天为世界未来才能取得成功的阿尔卡特朗讯员工。为当天的活动做出了贡献,有80多名志愿者(包括主持人,伴侣和注册志愿者);但是,我特别要感谢这次活动的领导人已经做了很多年,并且总是超越。它们是当天的联合主席:Terri Tauber和Ingrid Orav。

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达娜·莫蒂尔(Dana Motyl)
CATEGORY: Education