
NADI™, an eco-friendly, low cost solar-powered water pump that provides reliable irrigation for agricultural applications and the first product marketed under the company’s STANEY EARTH™ brand, has been named as a finalist for Fast Company’s 2020 World Changing Ideas Awards in the Developing World Technology category.
Now in its fourth year, World Changing Ideas is one of Fast Company’s major annual awards programs focused on social good, and the program seeks to recognize finished products and brave concepts that make the world better. The Developing World Technology category recognizes products designed for those on the bottom of the pyramid and that can help lead to leapfrog innovation. This year the program received its largest number of entries to date.
Launched in early 2019, NADI is a smart solar pump that helps equip farmers in rural India impacted by dwindling water reserves and irregular irrigation due to unreliable electricity with more reliable and sustainable irrigation. The technology reflects the company’s commitment to Innovating with Purpose, a key pillar of its 2030 CSR strategy.
“As a company that makes products and services that help create and shape our world, we have the responsibility to innovate products that can address society’s biggest challenges, which is why we’ve set an ambitious target to deliver solutions that can help enhance the lives of 500 million people,” said Stanley Black & Decker Corporate Responsibilty Officer Deb Geyer. “NADI is a perfect example of this commitment, helping farmers in India overcome major energy instability and water scarcity challenges to improve crop yields and become more successful – the recognition from Fast Company is a great honor that further validates the work we’re doing.”
Smart Pump使用Stanley高效的无刷直流电流(BLDC)电动机技术来驱动泵和太阳能电池板,以为整个系统供电。Smart Pump具有一个智能控制器,可实现微灌溉,并结合了一个基于IoT的农业平台,配有连接到云和移动网络的传感器,提供了实时数据,使农民能够有效地监视系统性能并进行预防性预防。根据需要进行维护。
“在2017年,我们开始了一项使命,改变了依靠农业生存的印度农村的农民的生活,而我们去年推出的解决方案已经产生了巨大的影响,”清洁技术创新副总裁Ramana Gogula说。在Stanley Black&Decker。“现在只能种植蔬菜的小农场现在正在收获数百公斤的谷物,并且在我们的太阳能泵中始终如一的供水中,印度各地的农民一年可以种植多种农作物,有助于改善其生活质量并喂养更多农作物。人们。
“We hope to one day equip every farmer in a water-scarce region with this technology to enhance their lives and mitigate the effects of climate change,” Gogula continued.
NADI将在5月/6月号的Fast Company Print Magazine中得到强调,该杂志将于5月5日星期二在报摊上进行。有关该计划的更多信息可以在这里找到。