Naked Juice的“外界善良”承诺提供了另外50,000美元,以减轻整个星球基金会的贫困

Naked Juice的“外界善良”承诺提供了另外50,000美元,以减轻整个星球基金会的贫困

Tropicana Brands集团Philip Coughlin(后排中锋)与捐助者与Microcredits客户在Harlem的整个Planet Foundation访问中与Microcredits客户会面。




裸汁自2007年以来,Tropicana Brands Group Group产品是整个星球基金会的支持者,它每年对基金会的Microcredit供应商联盟进行了每年50,000美元的承诺。今年,Naked Juice正在资助基本的微企业,以减轻基金会的小额贷款计划来减轻全球贫困。裸汁, which can be found in select stores and online on Whole Foods Market on Amazon, is committed to giving opportunities through microcredit to the world’s impoverished entrepreneurs for the chance to create or expand a business, often home-based, to generate income for themselves and their families. Microcredit loans are small loans typically under $200, with no formal contract and no formal collateral, that are provided for the entrepreneur to change their own lives through their own hard work. To date, Naked Juice has donated $950,000, which has funded 32,700 microloans creating 180,100 opportunities.

裸汁celebrates the goodness inside each of its bottles; each smoothie provides delicious fruits and veggies without artificial flavors or added sugars – just how Mother Nature intended. Naked Juice brings the Goodness Outside through its sustainable packaging, ingredient sourcing and community support, like its long-term backing of women entrepreneurs around the globe through Whole Planet Foundation.

Members of the Tropicana Brands Group team have met microcredit clients whose loans were funded by Whole Planet Foundation in the United States (Harlem and Miami), Nepal, and most recently South Africa. To date, PepsiCo. had donated$2.2 million total to fund over 30,700 microloans and create over 170,900 opportunities.在这里阅读更多并观看以米歇尔·朗(Michelle Long)和凯蒂·科瓦尔斯基(Katie Kowalski)在南非的经历为特色的视频。

Naked Juice很荣幸能在Tropicana Brands Group领导下继续我们对整个星球基金会的支持。作为一个品牌,我们努力在我们的产品内部提供良善,并为外界提供良好。自2011年以来,与整个星球基金会的这种伙伴关系一直是我们能够做到这一点的一种方式。我们很高兴继续帮助整个星球基金会通过支持小额信贷贷款和减轻贫困,从而为世界带来更多美好”,说Tropicana Brands Group首席营销官Anup Shah。

鉴于整个星球基金会资助的项目的平均第一批微还款贷款规模为179美元,因此今年的Naked Juice的支持将资助280个微观货币。这些微观人士由整个星球基金会在非洲,亚洲和美洲(包括美国)的小额信贷合作伙伴网络支付,以向最需要资本开始或开发小型企业的人。平均而言,Microloan接收者支持其他四个家庭成员,因此这种有意义的支持将在本地和全球社区产生连锁反应。

要了解有关整个星球基金会以减轻全球贫困工作的更多信息,请访问 Many thanks to the Naked Juice team for making such a difference around the world, one bottle at a time!