The National Head Start Association and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation Announce 2022-2023 GroMoreGood Garden Grantees

Jan 26, 2023 10:15 AM ET

俄亥俄州马里斯维尔,俄亥俄州,2023年1月26日,媒体 / - 现在是第五年,通过Scotts Miracle -Gro Foundation和National Head Start Association(NHSA)的Gromoregood Garden Grants计划(NHSA)正在授予10个赠款,以授予致力于连接的主持计划我们国家的年轻人对园艺和户外活动的好处。

今年的2022-23 Gromoregood Garden Grant赠款是:

Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation总裁Brian Herrington说:“获得新鲜食品和户外活动对于儿童发展至关重要,花园为两者提供了机会。”“帮助孩子们发现成长的奇迹令人难以置信。我们期待我们的赠款收件人今年将创造的新的和更新的花园体验。”

The grants are part of Scotts Miracle-Gro’s GroMoreGood initiative, which aims to bring the life-enhancing benefits of gardens and green spaces to 10 million children by 2023. Portions of the harvest will be used in Head Start classrooms and portions will be donated to Head Start families and local food agencies.

“The research is clear: garden-based learning improves educational outcomes, enhances social and emotional learning, and—perhaps most importantly—engages every child’s innate wonder and care for the natural world,” said NHSA Executive Director Yasmina Vinci. “NHSA is proud of our continuing partnership with The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation to support experiential learning, foster curiosity, and encourage even more Head Start children and their families to learn and play outside this year!”

This is the fifth year of the program and it has supported more than 50 existing and new garden projects for Head Start programs (including this year). Learn more about our past grant recipients from2022,,,,2021,,,,2020年,and2019并观看webinar series了解更多。

赠款获奖者在NHSA’s 2023 Winter Leadership Institute来自全国各地的Head Start社区的领导者召集了为期四天的倡188bet网址怎么打不开导培训,创新的小组和面向结果的研讨会。

全国首席协会致力于相信每个孩子,无论出生时如何,都有在学校和生活中取得成功的能力。Head Start提供的机会导致了更健康,有能力的儿童和家庭,以及更强大,更充满活力的社区。NHSA是美国超过100万儿童,270,000名员工和1,600名Head Start Grant Fexportes的声音。访问nhsa.org或跟随@NatlHeadStart了解更多。

关于Scotts Miracle-Gro基金会

NHSA:Emily Wagner,传播总监,