



Friday, October 8, 2021 - 10:30am

活动:WSP |气候,韧性和可持续性金博宝怎么注册


First, the bad news. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently warned that the world is alreadylocked into at least 1.5⁰C of warmingbefore 2050. The climate crisis is inextricably linked to biodiversity loss, which theU.N。reports is occurring “at rates unprecedented in human history.” About one million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction, many within decades.

“生物多样性的丧失和危险的气候变化在灾难性的后果方面相互增强。这是一个恶性循环,”欧洲学院科学咨询委员会环境计划主任迈克尔·诺顿(Michael Norton),said in a statement。“This summer’s rollercoaster of extreme temperatures, dryness, flash floods and wildfires has been bad, but probably far better than what we may see in the future.”

关于缓解气候变化的讨论集中在时间表和温度目标上,例如到2040年或2050年。虽然至关重要,但它错过了一个事实,即气候危机和生物多样性损失是密切相互关联的。为了有效地解决这些存在的威胁,我们必须同时这样做。基于自然的解决方案有可能做到这一点 - 好消息是,该领域的创新和行动正在迅速加速。

Decade on ecosystem restoration

The United Nations declared 2021 through 2030 as theDecade on Ecosystem Restoration, coinciding with the deadline to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the timeline scientists say is most crucial for avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.



There is tremendous untapped potential at the intersection of the natural and built environments. However, engineers and designers are often given narrow parameters with little room for innovation.

Because many projects cost millions, if not billions, owners and investors often favor conventional solutions that are perceived as cost-effective and efficient. But traditional approaches seldom consider the full lifecycle costs associated with engineered solutions — maintenance and operation, damage, demolition or reuse at the end of serviceable life — or that infusing living, green infrastructure with grey can offer co-benefits for climate, habitat and human health.

To meet the moment, we need to realize that the greater risk now lies in a failure to reckon with the past and innovate for the future. Much as governments have with the development ofclean energy and transportation technologies, they have an opportunity to blaze a new trail with nature-positive infrastructure.

One visible example can be found along our coastlines: Today,70 percent of the world’s coastal infrastructureis concrete, but forward-thinking governments are increasingly turning to living shorelines as an alternative that can help areas recover from disasters and build resilience.

例如,作为超级风暴桑迪恢复的一部分,纽约州正在对史坦顿岛的南岸实施一个活着的海岸线项目。叫Living Breakwaters,该项目由距离岸边790至1,800英尺之间的部分淹没的瓦砾丘结构组成。旨在取代由于Raritan湾的人类活动而消失的曾经丰富的牡蛎礁,自然防波堤为海洋生物提供了栖息地,并保护了危险的危险风暴潮,如沙迪(Sandy's)的危险暴风雨,后者破坏了史坦顿岛(Staten Island)。

作为恢复工作的一部分,政府纽约New Jersey还发起了一系列wetland restoration projects研究显示沿海湿地在桑迪期间预防了超过6.25亿美元的损失,进一步的保护和恢复将有助于该地区在补充生态系统的同时,在未来的风暴和海平面上升。

Similarly, as part of recovery from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Florida is partnering with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ontwo living shoreline projectsin Pensacola Bay and in nearbyApalachicola Bay,在佛罗里达州潘汉德尔海岸附近。通过建造防波堤并种植盐沼植物,该州和NOAA的目标是促进礁石开发和盐沼栖息地,同时保护当地海滩免受侵蚀和沿海社区的侵害。

基于自然的解决方案还可以帮助逆转生态损害。例如,使用蘑菇清理有毒废物(称为霉菌修复)的过程已应用于remove toxic ashfrom wildfires in California,从土壤中提取原油毒素in the Ecuadorian Amazon andremediate heavy metal contaminationto help turn a vacant lot in Oklahoma City into a community garden.公司和governments including the欧洲联盟他们还采用了基于自然的解决方案,因为他们希望退役旧的矿山和采矿地点,并将健康,安全的土地归还给当地社区。植物could take that concept one step further, with more nature-positive ways of sourcing the metals we need to accelerate the transition to a green economy.


While governments often drive large-scale, high-cost green infrastructure projects, all stakeholders can influence the biodiversity of their communities simply by considering nature in their daily choices. Ananalysis在28个国家 /地区的生物多样性中,如果保护工作仅集中在“大型,完整和高度联系的地区”,并吹捧保存小块土地的好处,则将丢失更多物种。这是我们许多人可以做的事情,包括个人, local governments, nonprofits and companies of all sizes.

The Business for Nature coalition works to harness the power of the private sector to drive change. More than 900 companies with revenues of $4.3 trillion,including WSP, have signed on toBusiness for Nature’s Call to Action。As one example, companies includingIBM,百加台装瓶公司, 和巴斯夫将野生动植物栖息地整合到了当地的草地,将其纳入其设施 -creating tangible, visible impacts on local biodiversitywith relatively little effort or cost.

Solar power developers are also increasingly planting native flowers, grasses and shrubs in what has been dubbed “pollinator-friendly solar。”组织的研究包括美国能源部的阿贡国家实验室Yale University’s Center for Business and the Environmenthas found that incorporating wildlife habitat into solar installations can build pollinator populations and improve crop yields at nearby farms.公司ranging from Engie Distributed Renewables and Lightsource BP toClif Bar & Companyhave already proven this model


Biodiversity loss moving to the top of governmental and public agendas. In April, the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) launched the圣保罗关于行星健康宣言, a first of its kind outline of the actions necessary to achieve the so-called Great Transition, a comprehensive shift in how human beings interact with each other and nature.

In July, the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity released adraft planto halt biodiversity loss around the world by 2030, which many have与巴黎气候变化协议相比。该计划(除其他事项外,还要求在2030年之前还提供与生态系统修复相关的年度资金 -第15个生物多样性警察in Kunming, China, in October, ahead of the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow.


类别: 环境