

“Helping heirs’ property owners secure clear title to their ancestral land enables them to protect, care for, and benefit from that land, and we are honored to support the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation, the Mississippi Center for Justice, and WWF in advancing this important work.”

2021年10月14日,星期四 - 上午11:15


继承人的财产保存中心和密西西比州司法中心宣布了移动盆地继承人的财产支持计划,这是一项为期两年的计划,旨在帮助密西西比州的历史贫困家庭保护并保留其林地;建立世代财富;并促进生产性,可持续管理的森林。在世界野生动物基金会(WWF)和金伯利 - 克拉克(Kimberly-Clark)的支持下,新计划将提供法律服务,信息和协助获得财务资源的结合,以帮助密西西比州解决不成比例的土地标题问题,这些问题会对黑人家庭产生不成比例的影响,并经常导致188bet上不了失去损失土地,财富和森林资源。


“Families and individual landowners with title issues clouded by undetermined heirs or absent heirs can result in loss of land held for generations through tax sales, court-ordered partition sales, or even a ‘taking’ of the land by adverse possession,” said Mississippi Center for Justice President and CEO Vangela M. Wade. “These harmful effects—which have persisted for decades—have been particularly acute for families of color and low-income families in Mississippi. It is currently estimated that heirs’ property accounts for 1.6 million acres valued at $6.6 billion across the southern Black Belt.”


“We are delighted to entrust our heirs’ property resolution knowledge and expertise to a well-established public interest law firm to address the complex problem of land loss by increasing access to the tools and resources these landowners need to resolve title issues and develop working landscapes,” said Jennie L. Stephens, chief executive officer, the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation™. “This partnership will help build and sustain a landowner movement that has the power to unleash the cultural and natural resources of land in marginalized communities toward family wealth creation and to ecological restoration.”


世界自然基金会森林高级副总裁克里·塞萨雷(Kerry Cesareo)说:“没有解决种族和社会不公的情况,就没有可持续的未来。”“只有防止家庭及其土地的剥削,我们才能防止该国的森林破碎和损失,并减轻气候变化的最严重影响。森林是健康和财富的来源,但是照顾森林的负担和利益尚未公平分享。我们需要竭尽所能解决不公正和支持那些通过照顾林地几代人来帮助我们所有人的人,他们本身更有可能承受自然损失和气候影响。”


“Southern U.S. forests that Kimberly-Clark relies on to make our essential products are being lost to unsustainable development at an increasing rate, and heirs’ property is particularly vulnerable to that trend,” said Lisa Morden, vice president of safety, sustainability & occupational health at Kimberly-Clark. “Helping heirs’ property owners secure clear title to their ancestral land enables them to protect, care for, and benefit from that land, and we are honored to support the Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation, the Mississippi Center for Justice, and WWF in advancing this important work.”

莫登补充说:“我们知道,不安全的土地权限问题及其与森林损失和退化的联系并不是美国东南部的独特之处。随着世界继续解决气候和生物多样性危机,我们还必须寻求支持土著和其他边缘化社区的土地权利,这些社区管理着世界上许多碳和生物多样性最丰富的森林。为此,这项倡议支持我们的野心,以改善到2030年全球服务不足社区的10亿人的生活和福祉,这是最小的环境足迹 - 这是我们如何实现更好地照顾一个目标的一部分更好的世界。”