大博伊西(Greater Boise)的新项目变成了难以测试的塑料into Community Infrastructure

大博伊西(Greater Boise)的新项目变成了难以测试的塑料into Community Infrastructure

The pilot project is led by the Hefty® EnergyBag® program and Dow, in collaboration with ByFusion, and offers an exciting and sustainable way to reuse hard-to-recycle plastic waste

CONTENT: Press Release

伊利诺伊州湖森林,2022年3月18日 / 3BL Media / - 雷诺消费产品和道琼斯指数(纽约证券交易所:道琼斯工具)宣布Hefty®EnergyBag®program is collaborating withbyusion在一个试点项目中,该项目旨在引入新的博伊西地区当地参与者收集的难以熟悉的塑料物品的新创造性用途。Byfusion Pilot项目展示了各种规模的社区如何通过将其转换为支持其社区的建筑材料来创新解决环境挑战的解决方案,并将其难以熟悉的塑料废物置于良好状态。188bet网址怎么打不开当前的项目利用了公私合作伙伴关系,并将从Ada县隐藏的空心垃圾填埋场中转移多达72吨难以追溯的塑料,这有助于降低其环境影响。

Byfusion Pilot项目将转换Hefty®EnergyBag®程序收集的难以熟悉的塑料Byblocks,Byblocks是有史以来第一个由收集的,以前未经检测的塑料制成的建筑级块。Byusion的专有,无发射过程会产生完全由塑料废物制成的byblocks,这些废物不包含化学物质,添加剂或填充剂。融合过程不需要传统的分类,清洁或预处理。Byblocks可以建造一系列结构,包括长凳,公共汽车庇护所等等。计划在大博伊西地区计划的第一个旁路申请是在2月15日安装的曼尼通公园的大型长凳。计划在接下来的几个月中进行其他项目,包括在花园城的公园长凳以及该地区的其他长凳和售货亭。

“I was excited when I learned about the ByFusion pilot project in the Greater Boise area because not only is it a beneficial way to use hard-to-recycle plastics, but the plastic collected comes from local residents who use the Hefty® EnergyBag® program,” said Jennifer Ellis, Greater Boise community sustainability advocate. “From material collection to a finished post-consumer recycled-content product, this really makes an impact on the distance the material has traveled in the past and the endgame for the material. I appreciate that the Hefty® EnergyBag® program encourages people to find alternatives to simply throwing that plastic away. While the first priority should always be to refuse, reduce or reuse unnecessary plastic waste, having the program available to collect the hard-to-recycle plastics is a welcomed diversion from landfill. It’s because of us, the citizens of these communities, that this project is even possible. I am looking forward to visiting Manitou Park, enjoying the park bench and talking about it with my fellow Boiseans.”


“We are always exploring new end-usage opportunities for the hard-to-recycle plastic collected by the Hefty® EnergyBag® program, including the potential to expand beyond plastic as an energy source, which is why participating in the ByFusion pilot project is such an exciting moment for the Hefty® EnergyBag® program,” said Lisa Burns, senior vice president, sustainability, Reynolds Consumer Products. “Seeing the transformation of these challenging plastics into this impressive park bench is a testament to what is possible and what the future could hold for the Hefty® EnergyBag® program.”

“ Byfusion很高兴能够与Dow和Hefty®EnergyBag®计划合作,该计划共同使大博伊西地区的居民能够控制其塑料废物,并利用它来支持其不断增长的环保社区,”188bet网址怎么打不开首席执行官Heidi Kujawa说。“我们有信心该地区的Byblocks实施将向其他城市展示如何重新利用塑料废物并将其转变为一种替代建筑材料,以帮助满足其基础设施需求,而不是持续负担。”

Byfusion Pilot项目是与Dow的Business Impact Fund合作开发的,该基金是一项竞争性赠款计划。与DOW合作进行的Hefty®EnergyBag®计划已在隔离试点项目启动时已经到位。该计划于2018年首次被博伊西市首次采用,ADA县的其他当地社区很快随之而来。

“自从2016年推出了业务影响基金以来,它已为全球35个项目授予了超过500万美元的奖金。北美可持续性包装和专业塑料总监朱莉·扎尼维斯基(Julie Zaniewski)表示:“每个项目,包括串联飞行员都有可能对当地社区产生巨大和积极的影响。”金博宝怎么注册188bet网址怎么打不开“ Dow和Hefty®EnergyBag®团队以及Byfusion和Greater Boise地区都致力于该项目,作为减少原本发送给垃圾填埋场的塑料数量的创新方式。我们的集体希望是,除了博伊西之外的其他城市和社区将受到启发,以创造性地思考这种有价值的材料的新用途。”

Developed with Dow and other program supporters, the Hefty® EnergyBag® program is a hard-to-recycle plastics collection program that offers eligible residents in the Greater Boise area a convenient way to divert hard-to-recycle plastics from the landfill (learn more about the program这里并检查这里for a list of the participating communities in Idaho). The Hefty® EnergyBag® orange bags can be purchased at select本地零售商或在线。一旦橙色的袋中装满了难以捕获的塑料,居民便可以将其与传统回收的同一垃圾箱或购物车放置。常规的回收卡车将橙色的袋子与普通,松散的可回收物一起拿走,然后再利用中心将这些袋子与其他材料分开,并将其发送到使用难以熟悉的塑料作为宝贵资源的设施。



陶(NYSE:DOW)结合了全球广度;资产整合和规模;重点创新和材料科学专业知识;领先的业务职位;以及环境,社会和治理(ESG)领导才能实现盈利的增长并带来可持续的未来。该公司的野心是成为世界上最具创新性,以客户为中心,包容性和可持续性的材料科学公司。DOW的塑料,工业中间体,涂料和硅树脂业务的投资组合为其在高增长市场细分市场中为客户提供了广泛的基于科学的产品和解决方案,例如包装,基础设施,流动性和消费者应用。陶氏在31个国家 /地区运营104个制造地点,并雇用了约35,700名员工。陶氏在2021年提供的销售额约为550亿美元。对陶氏或公司的参考,是指道琼斯公司及其子公司。有关更多信息,请访问www.dow.com或跟随@Downewsroom在Twitter上。

ByFusion®is an innovative manufacturing company committed to protecting the environment and giving a second life to plastic waste by reshaping its future. A certified B Corporation and an essential cog in the wheel of a circular economy, ByFusion has a patented process that converts all types of plastic waste, including marine debris, into a building material called ByBlock®—the first-ever construction-grade block made from unrecyclable plastic. ByFusion’s solution enables communities, corporations and governments to realize a cleaner world while creating jobs, improving infrastructure and revitalizing neighborhoods everywhere. For more information, please visitwww.byfusion.com/或在Instagram和Twitter上关注@ByFusion。

For further information please contact:

Jennifer West



类别: 绿色基础设施