- 哥伦比亚,秘鲁,乌拉圭,菲律宾和印度在全球范围内拥有最有利的环境,这是由高度的政府协调驱动的
- Rwanda and South Africa stand out for the best environments among countries in sub-Saharan Africa
- 连通性基础设施和数字标识系统的差距代表了撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)以及中东和北非(MENA)扩大数字金融服务的障碍(MENA)188bet上不了
- E-money is making inroads in countries that allow market entry to a variety of providers
- 技术引入了新的机会和新的风险,大多数国家仍然必须提高其对网络安全的承诺,并发展其实施数据隐私保护的能力
2018年10月30日 / 3BL媒体 / -全球金融包容性显微镜现在已经进入了第11年,是一个基准指数,可评估55个国家 /地区的金融访问环境。2018年全球显微镜强调了金融包容性本身不断发展的景观。今年的指数已被完全修订,以将前瞻性的关注点关注数字金融服务,并解决在可持续发展目标(SDGS)中设想的金融包容性的关键作用。188bet上不了
The Global Microscope is produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU), with financial support and policy advice from leading organisations in the field, including the African Development Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion, IDB LAB and IDB Invest, and MetLife Foundation. First published in 2007, the Microscope is the global standard for financial inclusion policy in developing economies.
2018年研究中表现最好的国家表明,政府和政策支持财务包容性,优先考虑财务稳定性和诚信以及通过各种产品和媒体促进包容性。Colombia,Peru and Uruguay hold the top three spots in the overall rankings. Of the top five, only fourth-ranked India has yet to issue a financial inclusion strategy, although the country is following a coordinated, three level-approach, and publication of a strategy is expected during the 2018/19 financial year. Rwanda and South Africa stand out for the most enabling environments among countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), tied for 11th place overall. In terms of stability and integrity, leading countries also feature market-entry regulations that do not deter new players that serve low and middle-income population. A common strength among top-ranked countries is the ease with which customers can access a variety of financial products and outlets.
E-money is making inroads, becoming more accessible as a wider variety of providers are able to enter the market。2018年显微镜中的大多数国家都努力促进新的数字提供商,并且通常没有市场进入限制。全球这种积极的运营环境以及客户需求,正在帮助电子货币成为领先的数字金融产品。然而,在三个国家(智利,危地马拉和越南)中,没有法律认可,而16个国家选择了以银行为主导的数字化转型。研究表明,竞争和创新可以使电子货币更容易获得,尤其是如果各种各样的机构可以成为电子货币发行人。
Although many countries in SSA and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) score well on government and policy support, a lack of connectivity infrastructure and digital identification systems limits the expansion of digital financial inclusion.In terms of connectivity, most of the SSA countries in the index have substantial room for improvement—although South Africa, Senegal and Ghana scored among the top half of countries in this category. Infrastructure for payments also has considerable room for growth in both regions.
技术引入了新的风险,许多国家仍然必须更新网络安全法,并发展其执行数据隐私保护的能力。在2018年显微镜的55个国家中的35个国家中,消费者保护法规通常促进金融包容性,而该指数的先前版本显示了这些保护措施的逐渐加强。随着数字金融服务的扩大,新的消费者风险出现188bet上不了;因此,在表现最好的国家中,传统的消费者保护措施与数据隐私和网络安全保障相结合。哥伦比亚和南非拥有专门的金融消费者保护框架和专业执法能力,以及具有强大能力执行数据保护法的政府实体。但是,在大多数国家 /地区,数据隐私保护措施的发展尚未得到很好的发展 - 42个国家有限或没有执行数据隐私的能力。
“The Microscope, over time, has followed a path from microfinance to basic financial inclusion to digitally enabled services,” said Leo Abruzzese, Senior Global Director of Public Policy at The Economist Intelligence Unit. “But one thing hasn’t changed: governments must create open and accessible policies, and the private sector must be willing to invest, if those at the bottom of the pyramid are to benefit.”
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