Newsweek Names Entergy One of the Most Responsible Companies, Greatest Workplaces for Diversity

Jan 19, 2023 9:30 AM ET
Entergy volunteers in hard hats with one in a Habitat for Humanity t-shirt

America's Most Responsible Companies

In the publication's fourth annual list ofAmerica's Most Responsible Companies,我们被认为是认真对待成为好企业公民的前500家公共公司之一。我们的社会表现为500名,排名第四,我们是总部位于路易斯安那州的顶级公司。

The Most Responsible Companies rankings, which feature companies of various sizes across 14 industries, focus on a holistic view of corporate responsibility that considers all three pillars of ESG: environment, social and corporate governance.

Since 2001, we have operated with an environmental commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This commitment was strengthened to cut base-year 2000 emission intensity levels in half by 2030 and recently enhanced to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Board diversity and other governance considerations also contributed to the ranking.

The Most Responsible Companies list is derived from the country's top 2,000 publicly traded companies with total assets exceeding $50 billion. From that pool of companies, only those that published a corporate social responsibility or other similar report were considered for further analysis. The ranking is the result of an elaborate process that reflects official ESG data from 2020 or 2021. In addition to a perception survey of 13,000 U.S. residents, more than 30 key performance indicators from the three areas of CSR were considered for the ranking.

Corporate social responsibility is a self-managing business model that helps a company be socially accountable. Through CSR initiatives, philanthropy and volunteer programs, Entergy benefits society while building trust in their brands and advancing corporate strategy.

America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity

在新闻周刊有史以来的第一个排名中America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity,我们在将34个行业和六个主要部门分为1,000家公司中获得了5颗星。该出版物介绍了不仅庆祝多样性,而且实施培养包容性工作场所的政策,并在推动未来更可持续和更健康的工作场所中发挥关键作用的顶级公司。

We are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive and engaged culture that inspires all individuals to work together to operate a world-class energy business for our stakeholders, which extends into the community and is reflected through our philanthropy, volunteerism and advocacy.

In 2021, our contributions to diverse organizations totaled $5.5 million or 34% of total charitable contributions. Of that total, $1.2 million was allocated to social and racial justice organizations and $4.4 million was allocated to minority-serving nonprofits and institutions. Entergy is also supporting diversity through our supply chain. In 2021, Entergy spent $1.35 billion with diverse suppliers.

For the Greatest Workplaces for Diversity, over 350,000 company reviews from employees of American companies with more than 1,000 employees were collected. Respondents were recruited through an online access panel and interviewed anonymously. Based on U.S. Census data, the survey was representative across demographics and ethnicity, but also captured significant LGBTQ+ and disabled samples to adequately reflect various facets of diversity.