NextDecade和Project Canary发射温室气体测量和认证框架,首先是全球液化天然气行业

NextDecade和Project Canary发射温室气体测量和认证框架,首先是全球液化天然气行业

Monday, April 19, 2021 - 9:00am


休斯顿和丹佛,2021年4月19日 / 3BL Media / - NextDecade Corporation(NextDecade)(NASDAQ:NEXT)和Canary项目今天宣布,成立了一个共同的监视,报告和独立的第三方测量和认证的联合试点项目greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to be sold from NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG export facility in the Port of Brownsville, Texas.

Project Canary专注于提供独立,可信赖的连续排放监视数据和相关技术,以评估整个能量价值链中的环境绩效。在全球液化天然气行业的第一个飞行员项目中,Canary Project Canary将部署其Trustwell™认证流程,以确认天然气价值链的每个要素(从Rio Grande LNG的船上到船)的每个元素都达到了低排放目标并利用了环境绩效和社会责任的最高标准。这种合作伙伴关系将使二叠纪盆地和Eagle Ford页岩中的领先生产商以及LNG温室气体强度的独立第三方认证的领先生产商的负责任的天然气供应链能够开发。

“ NextDecade致力于与寻求为Rio Grande LNG提供负责任的天然气提供的可持续生产商合作。”NextDecade的董事长兼首席执行官Matt Schatzman。“ Canary Project的独立测量和认证平台将为我们的客户提供透明度,并为越来越致力于确保低温温室燃气密集型LNG的客户提供信心。可靠,竞争性的液化天然气和负责任的环境管理并非互斥,我们很高兴与Project Canary合作,为全球市场提供低GHG LNG的新标准,以建立新的和更高的标准。”

上个月,NextDecade宣布其全资子公司Next Carbon Solutions正在开发Rio Grande LNG北美最大的碳捕获和存储(CCS)项目之一。Rio Grande LNG的Next Carbon Solutions的CCS项目预计将使超过500万吨二氧化碳的捕获和永久地质存储(CO2) 每年。将负责任的气体与预期的CO相结合2emissions reduction associated with NEXT Carbon Solutions’ CCS project is expected to enable Rio Grande LNG to produce the lowest lifecycle GHG LNG on a free-on-board basis and to be the greenest LNG project in the world.

“当客户,投资者和监管机构寻求,推动和奖励以最高环境标准生产的能源时,负责任的天然气的差异化市场正在全球范围内迅速扩展。”Chris Romer, Project Canary Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer.“We’re proud of the important and growing role we’re playing in putting our independent technologies to work to help our customers and look forward to supporting NextDecade and the companies involved in its natural gas value chain in enhancing environmental performance, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and delivering on commercial commitments.”

基于丹佛的B-CORP,Canary Project Canary提供了整个能源价值链中的数据和相关技术,包括负责任的天然气的生产,传输和营销。Project Canary的Trustwell™认证是负责任采购的天然气的高级标准。Trustwell™认证是根据独立审查和严格的数据分析分配的四个主要责任(空气,水,土地和社区)的评分,该评分分配了评级,并且已涉及美国超过85%的负责任来源的天然气交易188bet网址怎么打不开日期。Canary项目已完成5,500多个Trustwell™认证,其中有1,000多个经验,到2021年中期,将有大约400个实时排放监测单元。


关于Next Decade Corporation
NextDecade Corporation(NextDecade)致力于为世界提供清洁能源的机会。NextDecade通过其全资子公司Rio Grande LNG和Next Carbon Solutions,正在南德克萨斯州开发27 MTPA LNG出口设施,以及北美最大的碳捕获和存储项目之一。Rio Grande LNG设施预计将是将二叠纪盆地和Eagle Ford页岩天然气与全球液化天然气市场联系起来的最大,最绿色的美国液化天然气出口解决方案。NextDecade的普通股在纳斯达克股票市场上以“下一步”为标志。NextDecade总部位于德克萨斯州休斯敦。有关更多信息,请访问

Canary Project Canary是一家位于科罗拉多州丹佛市的国际环境标准公司,是一家以任务驱动的B企业(批准)对双重利润和社会利益负责的负责。Canary项目认为,可以创建一个“做得好并且表现良好”的经济成功,自我维持的业务。Canary项目的目标是通过以更清洁,更高效,更可持续的基础帮助能源价值链来缓解气候变化。其经过验证的解决方案提供了实时排放监控和对负责运营的石油和天然气井站点进行严格的独立认证。Project Canary可帮助组织从实时,可信赖和独立的环境数据中收集,管理,运营和受益。Project Canary还与科罗拉多州矿业学院佩恩学院合作,为石油和天然气公司和外部方开发协作环境,以分享通过持续监控而获得的最佳实践和见解。有关更多信息,请访问



This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws including, in particular, statements about the Company’s private placement of Series C Preferred Stock and the use of proceeds thereof. The words “anticipate,” “contemplate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “plan,” “intend,” “believe,” “may,” “might,” “will,” “would,” “could,” “should,” “can have,” “likely,” “continue,” “design” and other words and terms of similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, and these statements may relate to the business of NextDecade and its subsidiaries. These statements have been based on NextDecade’s current assumptions, expectations, and projections about future events and trends and involve a number of known and unknown risks, which may cause actual results to differ materially from expectations expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These risks include uncertainties about progress in the development of NextDecade’s LNG liquefaction and export projects and the timing of that progress; NextDecade’s final investment decision (“FID”) in the construction and operation of a LNG terminal at the Port of Brownsville in southern Texas (the “Terminal”) and the timing of that decision; the successful completion of the Terminal by third-party contractors and an approximately 137-mile pipeline to supply gas to the Terminal being developed by a third-party; NextDecade’s ability to secure additional debt and equity financing in the future to complete the Terminal; the accuracy of estimated costs for the Terminal; statements that the Terminal, when completed, will have certain characteristics, including amounts of liquefaction capacities; the development risks, operational hazards, regulatory approvals applicable to the Terminal’s and the third-party pipeline's construction and operations activities; NextDecade’s anticipated competitive advantage and technological innovation which may render its anticipated competitive advantage obsolete; the global demand for and price of natural gas (versus the price of imported LNG); the availability of LNG vessels worldwide; changes in legislation and regulations relating to the LNG industry, including environmental laws and regulations that impose significant compliance costs and liabilities; NextDecade’s ability to develop and implement carbon capture and storage or similar technology to reduce anticipated carbon emissions from the Terminal; global pandemics including the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic and their impact on NextDecade’s business and operating results, including any disruptions in NextDecade’s operations or development of the Terminal and the health and safety of NextDecade’s employees, and on NextDecade’s customers, the global economy and the demand for LNG; risks related to doing business in and having counterparties in foreign countries; NextDecade’s ability to maintain the listing of its securities on a securities exchange or quotation medium; changes adversely affecting the business in which NextDecade is engaged; management of growth; general economic conditions; NextDecade’s ability to generate cash; compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the result of future financing efforts and applications for customary tax incentives; and other matters discussed in the “Risk Factors” section of NextDecade’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 and other subsequent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. Additionally, any development of the Terminal remains contingent upon completing required commercial agreements, acquiring all necessary permits and approval, securing all financing commitments and potential tax incentives, achieving other customary conditions and making a final investment decision to proceed. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak as of the date of this release. Although NextDecade believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations will prove to be correct. NextDecade may from time to time voluntarily update its prior forward-looking statements, however, it disclaims any commitment to do so except as required by securities laws.