非营利性社会责任 - 保罗·克莱因(Paul Klein)的博客
2009年10月14日,美国东部时间12:23 PM
除了对我最近关于“海湾当前的Think Pink活动”的文章的热烈反馈(正面和负面)外,上周我还从许多人那里听到了有关$ 2.7的消息。百万G0lden降落伞Sickkids基金会给了前总统迈克尔·奥马尼(Michael O’Mahoney)多伦多之星,这笔270万美元包括他的最终薪水为60万美元和210万美元的“激励付款”和金钱,以补偿他在合同结束前离开的费用)。
People I know in the corporate and non-profit sectors were shocked to find out how much Mr. O’Mahoney received wondered how the board of directors at SickKids could have agreed to such as high salary (reported as being more that the president of SickKids Hospital) and severance.