Oportun Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Report 2021: Fostering Financial Health and Empowerment

Aug 15, 2022 11:00 AM ET

Originally published in Oportun's Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Rep…

A better financial future

Our Impact

  • $12+ billion credit extended in 2006
  • $2+ billion saved in lending interest and fees
  • $36 million invtestments in low-cost ETF portfolios by Digit members since 2020
  • $7.2 billion saved by Digit members since 2015
  • 25,000 IRA通过经纪交易伙伴开放
  • $330 million personal debt paid down by Digit members since 2015
  • $3,000+ average annual savings set aside by Digit members for rainy dais and other purposes
  • 6x less expensive on average, for unsecured installement loans as compared to other lending alternatives
  • Helped nearly 1 million people without a FICO score begin establishing a credit history
  • 4.9+ million total loans and credit cards originated

Our commitment to social responsibility is in service to the overall well-being of our members, employees, and communities. Every day, our focus is to create lasting positive social impact guided by our mission and values.

We are dedicated to helping our members build a better future through improved financial health outcomes. It is the core of our business and what inspires us every day. In our pursuit of economic equity and prosperity, we are advancing causes that are fundamental to basic human rights. We are providing opportunities for those who are often overlooked and excluded from the financial mainstream. And, we are making a difference by listening, having empathy, and providing solutions that meet our members where they are.

Building financial health

For some of our members, Oportun may be their first banking or lending experience. We take ownership of our responsibility to help them build a strong financial foundation and capabilities by:

  • Providing financial education and resources to our members and communities via blogs, marketing material, and member interactions so they may forge a path to financial wellness
  • 为我们的成员提供AI.I.驱动的储蓄,银行业务和投资产品,这些产品自动将可用资金用于储蓄,投资和预算目标,而无需降低我们的会员满足日常支出需求的能力
  • Building credit histories for those who are credit invisible or misscored by reporting to nationwide credit bureaus
  • 通过结合我们深厚的数据驱动成员见解和高级专有技术来评估每个成员的信誉,从而为所有贷款申请人提供服务
  • 提供易于使用和低成本的选项,以利用我们的专有AI。技术和风险模型
  • Integrating direct member feedback from member surveys, reviews, and our consumer advisory board into our product designs and offerings
  • 通过我们的负责供应商和供应商管理计划来确定并与合作伙伴保持同样的照顾,以维持我们的会员未来财务状况
  • Providing digital platforms that expand our financial reach, member access, and offer new conveniences
  • Being transparent and trustworthy with our ability-to-pay model and our commitment to originate loans below a 36 percent APR; our loans are always fully amortized and carry no hidden fees or balloon payments
  • Committing to the development of new tools and approaches that strengthen our members’ financial positions and support them in staying on track with their repayment schedules




Our primary focus is our relationship with our members. Our engagement teams listen to our members to understand their needs. Through Oportun’s training programs, tools, and resources, our teams are able to provide the best quality services.

We welcome feedback and use lessons from our interactions, surveys, and our complaint analysis tool to constantly improve our member experience. Our consistent service is what keeps our members coming back and recommending Oportun to their friends, families, and colleagues.

Read the full report here.