Oportun Corporate责任与可持续性报告2021:Raul金博宝怎么注册 Vazquez的来信

Oportun Corporate责任与可持续性报告2021:Raul金博宝怎么注册 Vazquez的来信

2022年6月23日,星期四 - 上午11:00





Oportun在为我们的使命服务并扩大了作为AI.驱动的数字银行平台的能力时,继续对我们的客户和社区产生积极的社会影响。自我们创立以来,Oportun已帮助超过一百万的成员*开始建立信用评分,这对于许多人来说可能是改变生活的活动,他们现在已经扩大了获得工作机会,住房选择,金融服务等的机会188bet上不了。我们已经扩大了超过120亿美元的负担得起的信贷,主要是向低收入和中等收入社区延长的,而传统金融服务公司历史上一直在服务。188bet上不了此外,随着数字的收购,我们正在通过帮助Digit App的人毫不费力地预留超过3,000美元的雨天和其他目的,从而增强了会员的财务弹性。


Along with the significant investments we’ve made in robust internal controls and information security, we continue to advance our capacity for sound corporate governance with the addition of four new and highly accomplished independent board members in 2021, each of whom self-reports as a member of a historically underrepresented community. Their diversity of thought, skills, and experience are already paying dividends and I look forward to continuing to learn from them in the coming years. We also expanded our training and learning resources, including extensive cybersecurity and compliance requirements for all team members, and achieved 100% companywide completion of our new training program on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. As we forge ahead in integrating Sustainability across the company, we formed our pioneering cross-functional Sustainability Task Force that will help drive Oportun’s Sustainability program and performance. These are just a few of the highlights you will find in this year’s report.

I’m proud of all that we accomplished in 2021 and eager for what’s ahead in 2022. Together with our team, our members, and all our stakeholders, Oportun has a very bright and sustainable future ahead and we welcome your partnership and feedback on our journey.

劳尔·瓦兹克斯(Raul Vazquez)
