Oprah Winfrey祝贺Mamokgethi Phakeng教授赢得新的非洲教育勋章

Oprah Winfrey祝贺Mamokgethi Phakeng教授赢得新的非洲教育勋章



奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)祝贺Mamokgethi Phakeng教授赢得了新的非洲教育勋章。

该荣誉由T4 Education和HP与英特尔和微软合作,于今年由T4 Education and HP共同成立,以其“在非洲教育领域的影响力,领导和倡导”而认可了开普敦大学副校长。

现年68岁的奥普拉(Oprah)说:“恭喜您,教授,被评为非洲教育勋章的获胜者。这是认可对教育产生积极影响的领导者的荣誉。I don’t know anyone who deserves it more, because I’ve witnessed first-hand through your support of the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in South Africa how your vision and your passion and your commitment has made such a difference in the lives of so many students.

继续在FOX 28上阅读。

类别: 教育