欧文斯·康宁's Frank O'Brien-Bernini Reflects on His 38+ Year Career With the Company

欧文斯·康宁's Frank O'Brien-Bernini Reflects on His 38+ Year Career With the Company

弗兰克·奥布莱恩·伯尼尼(Frank O'Brien-Bernini)和另一个人,无论是太阳镜还是微笑



In my 38+ years, 5 CEOs, and 14 different roles within Owens Corning, I have done a lot, seen a lot, had successes and failures, and worked with thousands of amazing people around the world. As I prepare to launch my next life-chapter, I’ve reflected on much of this.

1983年,当我在欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning)开始职业生涯时,没有关于公司可持续性的对话 - 不是在公司内部,而不是在公司外部。金博宝怎么注册包括可再生能源在内的全球能源对话更加集中于能源与环境影响的可用性。作为第一个大学级可持续发展计划之一的校友,刚刚完成了机械工程硕士学位,研究重点是太阳能,这对我来说似乎金博宝怎么注册有些奇怪。再说一次,我对这个企业界是全新的。可持续性理解和愿望方面的金博宝怎么注册这种差距将成为我们的人民,我们的公司,客户,社区,投资者和地球的挑战和机会。


Some of the first steps on our sustainability journey were focused on saving energy and reducing the associated greenhouse gas emissions, as well as understanding and better positioning our products to contribute to the market-leading green building programs.

Glass is melted and processed at very high temperatures, so finding the most efficient way to do this was an early priority. Increasing the use of recycled glass became an important strategy. We also discovered, early on, that improved Owens Corning products could make an increasingly more positive impact during use (e.g., improved insulation, better reinforcements for wind turbine blades, more durable roofing). Even more exciting, when we collaborated with leading-edge customers, including builders, designers, contractors, and OEMs, we could make net-zero energy buildings more practical, renewable energy more affordable, and roofs more durable.

The way we define sustainability has evolved a lot through the years. I feel fortunate to have “grown up” professionally in tandem with the scientific understanding of human impact on the planet. Science-based targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using water responsibly are driving companies to act decisively to limit environmental impact. We’ve also learned a lot about how the health of the planet impacts the health of people. For the sake of communities around the world and future generations, we must continue to reduce the negative environmental impact of our operations…and continue to offer more innovative products that help others meet their own environmental goals.

我们还认识到,我们也以其他方式对人们的生活产生了影响和责任,这就是为什么欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning)将其社会手印视为其可持续性承诺的另一个关键支柱的原因。金博宝怎么注册这包括我们专注于安全,健康,社区参与以及包容性和多样性。188bet网址怎么打不开

多年来,该公司在减少我们的足迹和扩展手印方面取得了长足的进步。该旅程的详细信息可在公司的年度可持续性报告中获得,但我想我可以说,我已经看到欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning)的人们金博宝怎么注册日复一日地努力工作,以使世界变得更美好。这并不是一件容易的事,但这非常重要,我为过去和现在的同事而感到自豪,因为他们的奉献精神和坚持不懈。

16年来,在我们的年度可持续性报告中,我们说:“我们需要金博宝怎么注册做更多,更快。”从来没有一段时间更明显。世界面临重大挑战,需要严重的努力来减轻环境影响和社会不公的影响。二十年来,我一直依靠三底线模型,在那里,我们挑战自己(在企业界)在我们的环境和社会计划中进行创新,并执行具有明显积极的经济影响的项目。尽管这在营利性组织中仍然至关重要,但要改变我们的轨迹 - 实际上会做更多,更快的速度 - 它是时候对经济利益不太明显的倡议越来越大胆的赌注了。这需要更多的勇气,但这是我们必须以正确的紧迫性取得正确进步的最佳机会。

欧文斯·康宁(Owens Corning)将继续在这些努力中发挥重要作用,并将努力继续成为企业公民身份的领导者。从金博宝怎么注册产品设计,制造运营和采购决策到员工经验和社区宣传公司,“可持续性”是而且必须被纳入公司所做的一切。188bet网址怎么打不开我有信心戴维·拉布阿诺(David Rabuano), my successor as Chief Sustainability Officer, is the perfect person to champion this work, including pressing for bold actions, for the next stage of the journey.

As I retire from this awesome company, I’m so proud of how far we’ve come, and so inspired to see what Owens Corning will accomplish next. I’ll continue cheering for progress and pushing for continuous improvement. Most of all, I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation about what it means to build a sustainable future.

Frank O’Brien-Bernini
