


为了给学生提供这些有价值的服务,三个地方组织挺身而出,高中合作。188bet上不了甘农大学,伊利社区行动委员会(GECAC)和西北三县中间单元5 (IU5188bet网址怎么打不开)正在与学校方便学生和他们的家庭准备并获得上大学的资源。一系列的活动从大学博览会,车间对金融援助,个别咨询中央理工大学将提供给所有学生,东方,强烈的文森特高中。大学教练,通过大学——伊利,将工作在每个学校参与小组的学生在“学习社区”,将专注于结构化的职业生涯中,学术和大学咨询让他们大学毕业准备的。本周每个学校和学院访问合作伙伴举办一系列活动,倡议。20多个高校参加中央理工学院举行公平在高中3月25日上午9点-下午3点。东高中邀请学生参与学院和招聘会题为“未来之路”和强劲的文森特高中将引入大学大二学生期望在甘农校园。与所有三个高中“底线很简单:使用数据学习多少伊利的学生进入大学和成功,并使用相同的数据,使更多的学生成为大学毕业生,”妮可Norfles博士说,他计划COE。伊利的学区主管Jay Badams评论道:“教职员的地区致力于让更多的伊利学生高中毕业的大学和职业准备。我们期待着与我们的社区合作伙伴合作,确保学生们意识到他们所有的选项后,高188bet网址怎么打不开中毕业后,和支持准备利用这些选项。” Added Assistant Superintendent Dr. Walter Strosser, “We are looking forward to working together with COE and each partner in this collaboration to use data informatively and improve our students’ access to college.” A press conference to launch the initiative will be held on Friday, March 25 at Gannon University in conjunction with college access activities at each of the participating schools. A student representative from one of the participating high schools will discuss program benefits with Dr. Keith Taylor, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at Gannon University and Nancy Anderson, Chief Information Officer for GE Transportation. Funding for GO College – Erie is made available under the “Investing in Innovation” (i3) fund through the US Department of Education. Selected from nearly 1,700 applicants, COE was one of 49 recipients to secure a $20 million i3 grant. The i3 fund supports local efforts to start or expand research-based innovative education programs. The competition was open to school districts as well as nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education working in partnership with public schools. Applicants were required to demonstrate their previous success in closing achievement gaps, improving student progress toward proficiency, increasing graduation rates, or recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and principals. The GE Foundation, a longstanding COE partner, provided a $4 million grant to support the project Erie, Pennsylvania and in Louisville, Kentucky, where the GE Appliances & Lighting business is located and where the GE Foundation supports the Jefferson County Public Schools. The COE i3 initiative has two key aspects: · Academic Collaboration – Gannon, GECAC and the IU5 each will hire and place in their respective high schools two “college coaches.” The coaches will work with students in areas such as academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, college preparation and planning and help with filling out required forms, such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A representative from the School District of the City of Erie, the college access providers, and coaches meet regularly to collaborate on services that benefit the students. · Data – UsingData,nformCollege一个ccessP编程在21世纪中学(使用DICAP)旨在帮助教育提供者做出更明智的决策。它的前提是建立在许多当地社区成员致力于确保大学访问和成功,有一个丰富的数据来帮助学生,他们的父母和其他的大学入学率的终极目标。通常,然而,这些数据并不容易。大学教练文档服务提供各自的高中,数据将被收集和分析刺激方188bet上不了法来提高学生的结果。媒体代表希望出席新闻发布会应该联系Rheanna马丁内斯,营销和推广COE,主任助理Rheanna.Martinez@coenet.us。关于COE的更多信息,请访问组织的网站www.coenet.us。找到更多关于通用基金,去www.gefoundation.com


