paxxusJoins Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council

paxxusJoins Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council





HPRC执行董事Peylina Chu说:“ Paxxus已经在医疗保健和包装社区中建立了良好的发展。”“这种参与将使他们能够为HPRC带来新的想法和创新。作为HPRC的成员,他们对负责任的制造和可持续性的奉献将有助于进一步进一步的使命,在这种情况下,医疗保健塑料安全有效地回收并被广泛接受为宝贵资金博宝怎么注册源。”

As a vertically integrated manufacturer, PAXXUS provides tailored material structures to meet stringent packaging requirements. Through constant innovation, PAXXUS has been recognized and awarded for cutting-edge advancements in chevron pouch films compatible with Tyvek®, clear high-barrier films, peelable solutions, chemically resistant materials, and sustainable offerings. Recently, the company was awarded a Flexible Packaging Association gold award for technical innovation and a silver award in packaging excellence for StreamOne® R, a recycle-ready, high-barrier film designed for high heat sterilization.“Our commitment to responsible manufacturing and sustainable packaging solutions is a promise to our customers, our partners, our employees, and our children for generations to come,” shared Dhuanne Dodrill, CEO of PAXXUS. “The work that HPRC is doing is so very important to creating sustainable practices in the healthcare plastics industry while also ensuring that patient safety is not compromised. We are delighted to be a part of HPRC and look forward to contributing to a truly sustainable future.”HPRC is currently engaged in multiple initiatives aimed at enabling recycling of healthcare plastics, including research into advanced recycling technologies to recycle mixed stream healthcare plastics, a study of reverse logistics processes for collecting, segregating, and preparing healthcare plastic waste for transport, and focused outreach and engagement with recyclers


HPRC是一个私人技术联盟,该联盟在医疗保健,回收和废物管理行业中寻求改善医疗保健中塑料产品的可回收性。HPRC由品牌领先和全球认可的成员组成,包括Amcor,Baxter,BD,波士顿科学,杜邦,Eastman Chemical Company,Gore Medical,Gore Medical,Johnson&Johnson,Medtronic,Nelipak Healthcare Packaging,Thermofisher Scientific,Thermofisher Scientific,Ravago Recycling Group,Ravago Recycling Group,Remington Medical,Remington Medical,Remington Medical,Medical,Remington Medical,Medical,Medical,Medical,Remington Medical,Remington Medical,Remington Medical,ChoreSartorius,Sonoco Healthcare,Sterimed,Westfall Technik Inc.和Paxxus。理事会每两年在HPRC成员举办的会议上召集,该会议定期包括利益相关者参与活动和设施之旅,以通过第一手展示可持续产品和包装设计以及回收流程的最佳实践,以进一步学习和知识共享机会。有关更多信息,请访问www.hprc.org并关注HPRCLinkedIn

