

2018年11月2日,星期五 - 上午11:00



纽约州购买,2018年11月2日 / 3BL Media / - 作为其可持续塑料愿景的一部分,Pepsico,Inc。(百事可乐)(百事可乐)今天宣布了一个新的目标,努力在2025年努力在其塑料包装中使用25%的再生内容。


“百事可乐的可持续塑料愿景是建立一个百事可乐,塑料永远不需要浪费。我们打算通过减少,回收和重复使用,重新发明我们的塑料包装来实现这一愿景,并通过伙伴关系领先全球变化,” Mehmood Khan博士评论说。百事可乐副主席兼首席科学官。“已经是世界上最大的食品级回收宠物用户之一。为了进一步增强所有塑料包装的再生内容,并推动塑料循环经济的进步,这对于大幅度提高全球废物收集和通过回收率而言至关重要。投资回收基础设施和技术。”



  • 2018年10月早些时候,百事可乐与Loop Industries签订了一项为期多年的供应协议,以在2020年中期将Loop Pet Plastic(100%再生材料)纳入其产品包装。LOOP的转化化学回收技术使低价值塑料可以不断地转移,回收和回收为新的,处女质质的塑料。
  • 百事可乐宣布将于2018年9月宣布将在世界经济论坛领导的全球塑料行动合作伙伴关系(GPAP)中进行合作,该伙伴将与包括在东南亚在内的沿海经济体中的利益相关者合作,以展示企业,社区和政府如何可以如何表现重新设计其废物管理系统以创建圆形模型。
  • 2018年7月,开发基金会和非营利组织Recycling Partnership宣布启动“ All On Recycling”,这是有史以来在行业范围内最大的住宅回收挑战,使美国各地2500万个家庭更容易回收。


百事可乐的核心是有目的的绩效 - 我们的基本信念,即我们公司的成功与我们周围世界的可持续性密不可分。金博宝怎么注册我们认为,不断改善我们出售的产品,负责任地保护我们的星球并赋予世界各地的人们的能力,帮助百事可乐经营一家成功的全球公司,为社会和我们的股东创造长期价值。有关更多信息,请访问www.pepsico.com

本沟通中“前瞻性陈述”的陈述基于当前可用的信息,操作计划以及有关未来事件和趋势的预测。诸如“目标”之类的术语,“预期”,“相信”,“驱动器”,“估计”,“期望”,“表达信心”,“预测”,“未来”,“目标”,“指导”,“指导”,“打算,“”“五月”,“目标”,“前景”,“计划”,“位置”,“潜在”,“项目”,“ seek”,“应该”,“策略”,“目标”,“”,“威尔”或这些单词和其他类似表达式的类似陈述或变化旨在识别前瞻性陈述,尽管并非所有前瞻性陈述都包含此类术语。前瞻性陈述固有地涉及风险和不确定性,这些风险和不确定性可能会导致实际结果与此类前瞻性陈述中的预测差异。这种风险和不确定性包括但不限于:由于消费者偏好或其他方式的变化,对百事可乐产品的需求变化;更改或不遵守适用的法律法规;强加或提议征收针对百事可乐产品的新税款;对百事可乐产品强加标签或警告要求;与百事可乐产品的包装和处置有关的法律变化;百事可乐有效竞争的能力; political conditions, civil unrest or other developments and risks in the markets where PepsiCo's products are made, manufactured, distributed or sold; PepsiCo's ability to grow its business in developing and emerging markets; uncertain or unfavorable economic conditions in the countries in which PepsiCo operates; the ability to protect information systems against, or effectively respond to, a cybersecurity incident or other disruption; increased costs, disruption of supply or shortages of raw materials and other supplies; business disruptions; product contamination or tampering or issues or concerns with respect to product quality, safety and integrity; damage to PepsiCo's reputation or brand image; failure to successfully complete or integrate acquisitions and joint ventures into PepsiCo's existing operations or to complete or manage divestitures or refranchisings; changes in estimates and underlying assumptions regarding future performance that could result in an impairment charge; increase in income tax rates, changes in income tax laws or disagreements with tax authorities; failure to realize anticipated benefits from PepsiCo's productivity initiatives or global operating model; PepsiCo's ability to recruit, hire or retain key employees or a highly skilled and diverse workforce; loss of any key customer or disruption to the retail landscape, including rapid growth in hard discounters and the e-commerce channel; any downgrade or potential downgrade of PepsiCo's credit ratings; PepsiCo's ability to implement shared services or utilize information technology systems and networks effectively; fluctuations or other changes in exchange rates; climate change or water scarcity, or legal, regulatory or market measures to address climate change or water scarcity; failure to successfully negotiate collective bargaining agreements, or strikes or work stoppages; infringement of intellectual property rights; potential liabilities and costs from litigation, claims, legal or regulatory proceedings, inquiries or investigations; and other factors that may adversely affect the price of PepsiCo's publicly traded securities and financial performance.



嘉莉·拉特纳(Carrie Ratner)