百事可乐 - 联合国土壤健康创新项目在Field赢得了Market的2021年可持续发展领导奖金博宝怎么注册

百事可乐 - 联合国土壤健康创新项目在Field赢得了Market的2021年可持续发展领导奖金博宝怎么注册

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 - 1:30pm



拉斯维加斯,2021年11月17日 / 3BL媒体 / - 市场:可持续农业联盟在第七届年度可持续农业峰会前夕颁发了2021年可持续发展领导力奖的获得者。金博宝怎么注册现在,在第五年中,该奖项(表现为联盟秋季会议的顶峰)已授予农民,组织和个人,这些人通过努力提高美国商品作物生产的可持续性来表现出杰出的领导才能。金博宝怎么注册

The recipients of the 2021 Sustainability Leadership Awards are as follows:

  • 2021 Farmer of the Year: Barry Evans, 4ThGeneration Farmer, Kress, Texas

巴里·埃文斯(Barry Evans)因其农场和领导能力的杰出保护工作而获得认可,巴里·埃文斯(Barry Evans)被誉为Market of Market 2021年度农民的荣誉。埃文斯(Evans)在德克萨斯州潘汉德尔(Panhandle)的农业耕种了4,500英亩的棉花和高粱,通过平衡资源有限的高平原上的土壤和节水的双重自然资源关注,一种探索旱地农业的弹性方法。

The Farmer of the Year Award celebrates Evans’ innovation and dedication to advancing sustainability while grappling with the region’s declining Ogallala Aquifer, demonstrating to his peers that it is possible to farm profitably and sustainably through an adaptive approach to conservation. His commitment continues to yield dividends, as Evans has dramatically reduced his energy use by nearly 80% and improved irrigated water use efficiency, conserving precious air and water resources while re-building generations worth of degraded soil health.

  • 2021年度合作:百事可乐 - 联合国土壤健康创新项目

Recognizing outstanding collaboration and cross-sector partnership in advancing continuous improvement in sustainable agriculture at the field and landscape level, this year’s Collaboration of the Year Award honors Field to Market members Unilever, PepsiCo, Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland for their collective efforts to advance soil health in Iowa.

参加了Field,进入Market的持续改进加速器,百事可乐 - 联合国土壤健康创新项目团结不太可能的盟友,将两个不同的品牌及其供应商汇总在一起,以推动一种简化的方法来支持爱荷华州农民在整个作物轮作中采用土壤健康实践。迄今为止,这项合作已招募了600多名农民,在爱荷华州种植了25万英亩的覆盖农作物,提供了全面的技术和财务支持,从而加强了土壤健康结果,并加强了该州的农民农民生计。

  • 2021 Trusted Adviser of the Year: Leslie Fisher, Resource Conservation Specialist, Benton County Soil and Water Conservation District

莱斯利·费舍尔(Leslie Fisher)以支持农民持续改进的杰出领导地位,以支持农民的持续改善之旅,被荣幸地成为市场年度最佳信任顾问的领域。Fisher Complions Communch Communth Communith Solutions为印第安纳州农民提供了宝贵的顾问,并领导了本顿县的土壤和节水区,这些解决方案可以增强农民生计,同时为全州景观级别的可持续性成果做出重要贡献。金博宝怎么注册188bet网址怎么打不开

With a personable approach and a deep knowledge of Indiana’s natural resource concerns, Fisher strikes a unique balance in driving environmental progress alongside community development, engaging farmers, landowners, supply chain players, conservation partners and local volunteers as key actors in her efforts to improve water quality in Indiana’s key watersheds.

By combining innovative regenerative practices with locally rooted strategies to scaling conservation on the farm, each of this year’s award recipients demonstrate the power of creative collaborations to advance the Alliance’s collective efforts to shape a more resilient and sustainable food and agriculture system.

“祝贺我们的三位获奖者中的每一个 - 他们在支持其当地生态系统的韧性的同时为农民提供的经济机会的弹性,将继续作为实现广泛的策略的强大典范,以扩大更广泛的行业的可持续农业。”现场主席。“我们庆祝巴里·埃文斯(Barry Evans),莱斯利·费舍尔(Leslie Fisher)和该领域为参与百事可乐的市场成员 - 联合国的土壤健康创新项目,以深深地致力于推进农场,社区和美国各地的可持续性的奉献精神。”金博宝怎么注册




Carter Purcell, Field to Market, (202) 297-8345,cpurcell@fieldtomarket.org


Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture brings together a diverse group of grower organizations; agribusinesses; food, beverage, restaurant and retail companies; conservation groups; universities and public sector partners to focus on defining, measuring and advancing the sustainability of food, fiber and fuel production. Field to Market is comprised of nearly 150 members representing all facets of the U.S. agricultural supply chain, with members employing more than 5 million people and representing combined revenues totaling over $1.5 trillion. For more information, visitwww.fieldtomarket.organd follow us on Twitter attwitter.com/FieldtoMarket